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21 November 2010

Posts #550-555: 23 April 2000

Post #550, by PSIOsman

After PSIOsman, Chris, Juliana, the Foppy King, Tim, Ness the Skittleboy, and Sir recovered from their stay inside the green tubes, they began to discuss what happened.
It's proper form to list yourself last in a group when narrating in first person. But screw that. It's time the world knew just how important PSIOsman is.
"Thanks," said Tim to the young surfer known as Alan. "You rescued us just in time. I was about to expire in there. But how did you know where to find us?"

"I don't know. I just had this feeling... that someone was calling me, someone named PSIOsman."

"That would be me," said Osman, stepping forward.

"YOU have PSI?" Asked Juliana, incredulously.
Everyone in the Gathering has telepathy, because, as we've discussed, teenagers were dreaming of cell phones long before they were invented and popularized. I don't think anyone has stated that telepathy = PSI, but let's face it, PSI is cool, so of course everyone has it.
"Well, only a little. I can do a bit of telepathy and some slight telekinesis, but that's it," he responded.

"Wow!" exclaimed Alan. "Can you teach me?"

"Sure. It's quite easy."
Not sure how well ol' Alan is going to take to playing the buffoon so PSIOsman can demonstrate to the audience how totally awesome he is.
Foppy King turned to Sir and the others and said "But what happened? How did we get inside those tubes? I thought we had beat the Supreme Starman!"

Ness the Skittleboy furrowed his brow. I don't know. All I remember is the wall buckling inward, and then we were here...

(Uh oh, we need someone to get us back on track. Who's with us and who's not?
Totally unnecessary parenthetical comment. How about you let the other authors decide that without holding their hands?

Oh, and don't get your hopes up on Alan deciding to continue hanging out with you.
[This message has been edited by PSIOsman (edited 04-23-2000).]

Post #551, by SaturnAl

"I will help you defeat this stardude guy, or like, join you guys if you want." (Answer yes/no)
Apparently he's ruling out the option of answering "maybe," or asking further questions for clarification, or ignoring him and moving on. CHECK YES OR NO RIGHT NOW!
"I know this awesome PSI move, dude, called Surf. And, like, my surfboard can dish out major damage, dude."
Well, I laughed at the gratuitous 'dude's all over the place. Sure he sounds stupid, but at least he sounds different.

Obviously you knew he was going to brag right back in Osman's face that he already knows kickass PSI moves. Duh.
"Let's go said Osman...

Post #552, by SirMontyG

Ok, you guys need to tell me this things, ok? I need to know the info. Come on people, throw me a freakin bone here!

(Bad Dr. Evil Impression, but I'm just that stupid, arn't I )
Yes. Yes, you are.

Post #553, by PSIOsman
Come to think of it, all I really remember about PSIOsman was how he would always mistakenly think people were talking to or about him when they'd say "(something) PSI" in #earthbound. They were invariably referring to PSI322, of course.
PSIOsman was unsure of how he became the leader of the group, but he said:
You didn't. What happened was you tried to appoint yourself leader of the group, and now we get to watch your effort go down in flames as everyone ridicules and then ignores you.

Protip for all the kiddies out there: you don't get to be a leader in an internet forum community just by pronouncing yourself one. This was 2000 and PSI322 was running the show, so PSIOsman's gaffe didn't hurt anything. Try that now at any other forum and then laugh at how quickly you get banned.
"Sure you can join us. But I still don't know what happened! I thought we beat that Starman!"
It's been a couple posts now, and he's still bitching about Anthadd railroading them into getting defeated. Which of course PSIOsman can't be defeated. He's too cool for that.
"Well," said Sir. "I think we can be off now. I think we should go back to where that Supreme Starman was. We can't retreat, can we?"

"OOOH! Wait! I remembered what I was supposed to tell you! POO GOT INTO MAGICANT!!!"

The whole group turned and said, "WHAT?"
Don't worry about it. It would be pretty stupid to imagine Poo got into Magicant, seeing as how it doesn't exist and even if it did, it's in Ness's brain. Also, you don't get there without the eight melodies, which... oh, hell, forget it.
Osman told them the entire story, about how he found out from Andonuts how Poo went to Fire Spring.

"This is indeed dire," said Tim. "We must go find Magicant before Poo gains its power!"
Apparently all you have to do is go to Fire Spring and you'll be magically whisked there. Since you all can teleport anywhere in the world at will, you should make Magicant in approximately 3.5 seconds.
Sir led the group into the room where the Supreme Starman was...
"Had been," really.

Post #554, by Mog116
You won't see it because I'll be breaking it up with my annotations, but this post is one of the things in IF I hate the very most: A large block of un-paragraphed text.
There was a loud alarm, and millions of more Starmen came through the door.
What the f---? Millions? Into that smallish room? What are these, three-inch Starman action figures?

Mog116 never fails to deliver the absurdity, that's for damn sure.
"Oh. Crud. Mog flung his spear and it hit a starman on the head. He jumped past the Starman, and ripped his spear out of the Starman's head. He skidded around and landed by a pit. "Crud." "PSI Float Omega!" Mog began floating, then dashed at a starman at blinding speed.
Sorry, I can't annotated the recst of this post, on account that I'm blind. :(
In a flash, Mog landed behind about fifty starmen, who then fell dead.
Great! Only 999,950 to go. Also, Starmen don't really "die" so much as they "are defeated."
He dashed through the door with the Starmen rushing after him.
Question from the Annoying Question Guy: Where exactly the hell is the rest of the gang here?

OK, I just went back and checked. Apparently he hasn't caught up to the rest of the gang yet, and was engaged in a rescue attempt when NessTSB and SaturnAl jumped in ahead of him. So now he's just literarily masturbating for a while.
He drove his spear through the door close button, and the door closed just in time to have hundreds of starmen hit the wall.
I'd criticize him for pretending that traps the Starmen for more than five seconds, but... at least he realized this was getting boring and ended it.
Mog ran through the corridors, not watching where he was going. It was good he was floating, because the whole ship kept tilting.
Doesn't that mean he really more like floated through the corridors, as opposed to running? Or should I be imagining Wile E. Coyote running through the open air before he looks down and realizes he ran off the edge of the cliff?
He ran into a room marked: CLOSE RANGE WEAPONRY. Screech!!! There was a huge monster standing in front of him. It had a head that looked like a comet. It was tall. It had two necks that helped it balance its head. It had four legs, which were twisting around each other to form two legs, although, it looked like it had two legs. It was almost transparent. Mog could see something shining behind it. "Do you want to fight me, the dark shadow, The mysterious copycat?" "Can I get some help?" [Someone... Help.... I'm in a cave in the lost underworld. HELP!]
Apparently ol' Mog ingested some pretty awesome hallucinogens mid-post and is now working on some kind of sci-fi fic.
I suggest you let him be.

Post #555, by SaturnAl

"HEY!!!" Alan said. "If this stardude guy is metal, like, my surf move is water-based. I know water does something to metal, but i don't know what...."

"Guess my 1.3 GPA is showing up here," Alan said.
Yes, Alan, yes it is. But shouldn't that be, "Dude, I guess my 1.3 GPA is showing up here, dude?"
The whole group was glad to hear that about Alan's PSI.
You gotta say this for Alan: he doesn't get discouraged and start threatening to cut himself when everyone ignores him, the way Mog or Foppy King does. He just tells you that you think he is the s---.

13 November 2010

Posts #546-549: 23 April 2000

Post #546, by PSIOsman

(It was a SAM attachment. You add a radar, load in a missile and boom )
He's referring to something someone said less than five posts ago, and I'm writing this post right on the heels of the last one, and even I don't care.
After Sir fired the bazooka at Supreme Starman, the Starman took a second to regain his composure, then dodged the next shell that came his way. He then fired an EMP blast, which then disabled Sir's bazooka!
Um... somebody watched The Matrix without really grasping anything that was going on. It would be pretty awesome for Team Major Asshole if the "Supreme Starman" fired an EMP, since that would immediately disable the "Supreme Starman," which is, after all, a machine.
"Aw, Crap!" Yelled Sir.

Juliana sneaked up behind the Starman and gave him a SMAAAASH hit!
How nice of her. Let's hope the Starman doesn't turn around and just use it on her, huh?
Supreme Starman flew against the wall! The Foppy King ran towards him and dealt the Starman a fearsome kick in the head.
Come to think of it, there's no evidence that attacking a Starman's head is a good idea. They're humanoid, but they're robots. If one were designing a robot to fight humans, it would actually be clever to put the CPU and/or other vital systems somewhere like the left side of the abdomen, or the right thigh, or somewhere else nobody's going to think to aim, and make the head pointless and empty.
Then Tim rushed over, took out the Masamune and used a move called Hydro Slam on the Supreme Starman.
Tim is not going to like that. Tim attacks only with Leap Slash. "Hydro Slam" is not going to impress the ladies nearly as much.
The Starman keeled over, and it looked as if he were about to fall over... And released a huge pulse of energy! The energy blast knocked over Tim, Juliana, Sir, and the Foppy King... But Osman was untouched. His Scimitar had absorbed the energy!
Man, you're not going to believe this, but a baddie attacked a group and it injured everybody in the group... except the person writing this post. Shock! Awe!
It was now glowing with an unearthly light. Suddenly, an apparition appeared in the air, holding a katana. It slashed at the Starman, drawing his attention away from PSIOsman. It was Ness the Skittleboy! HE yelled, "Chris! Get off the table!" PSIOsman leaped into the air... He slashed the Starman as he came down. The Starman split in half, then disintegrated! With that, the Scimitar returned to normal.

"Yes! We beat him!" Yelled NSB.
You know, for the painfully poor battle scripting, PSIOsman was at least working a pretty nifty idea here: building into the post that came before him, and making the chronology line up. That's a long way beyond the effort most any other poster is taking.
However, the wall of the room started to buckle inward. PSIOsman sheathed his Scimitar, and ran to the other side. The whole group was hit by a wave of dizziness, and the next thing they knew, they were staring out of green glass tubes...
And he continues trying to piece together the writings of other posters, which will make it very difficult for Chris or PSI322 to object to it if/when they return. (Of course, Chris and PSI322 are talented writers, which means they can write their way out of an undesirable situation instead of trying to bitch their way out.)
PSIOsman glanced to his sides, and saw all the people in other tubes. He concentrated hard, sending out a telepathic message...

(I'm a bit confused. Can someone give me an update here?)
I know, it's both crazy and disappointing, but no... you actually seem to understand perfectly what's going on thus far.
[This message has been edited by PSIOsman (edited 04-23-2000).]

Post #547, by SaturnAl

Far away in Summers....

A young surfer in Summers, Alan, heard PSIOman's call. "What was that? Who are you?"
Wow. It's been a long time since we've introduced a new Gathering poster. Sadly, I remember nothing about SaturnAl, so I can tell you nothing entertaining.
Alan didn't know anything about PSI, including about him having it, or how to use it.
If it's any consolation, Alan, Chris has been trying to figure out the same thing for hundreds of posts now.
PSIOman, in the test tube, told Alan the story and how to use PSI. "Okay, here it goes..."

Alan instantly appeared next to the test tubes, equipped with only a silver bracelet, silver necklace (chain), and his surfboard.
You get no points for guessing that the first thing he'd do with his PSI is instantly appear where the action is. The jokes on you, Al, old chap: Lots of people have already been doing that without PSI. You wasted a spell slot!
He saw PSIOman and co. in the tubes, and broke open the tubes with his board. "Thank you, thank you!" PSIOman said. He/she (whoever) taught Alan the basic PSI moves, and his special move, PSI Surf. Alan, PSIOman, and co. moved on...
Makes perfect sense to me that the aliens would construct prison-tubes that are easily breakable by a (presumably fiberglass) surfboard wielded by a 12-year-old. I don't know why you are having such trouble grasping it.

Post #548, by Tengu Man/Makron

(Too late Mog.
Uh-oh. You woke it up!
You don't have to scream, plus, just because you PLANNED that out doesn't mean anyone has to abide to it. If they want, they can make up their own idea. That's why it's interactive fiction.
That Tengu Man of all people is lecturing someone about what "interactive" means is meta-comedy on the highest plane. Here, watch this:
And I already came up with the ideafor 9th sanct, so better luck next time. I guess I should have told you this earlier. You can join my group if you wish, though.)
Did you catch that?

First, Tengu Man sternly informs Mog116 that he can't monopolize a future story arc. Then, in the same breath, Tengu Man--even with a dash of taunting for flavor--informs Mog116, and anybody else that's reading, that you can't mess with this future story arc because it's MINE. And then he invited Mog116 to become his minion.

Tengu was a magnificent bastard.
Darth and his group had just recently scaled a large mountain near Dalaam. They were greeted by the site of a large space ship.

"Is this where melody is coming from?" asked Paula.

Diamond Dog sniffed around... "I'm not sure... I think it's located somewhere around the ship, but this one can't be destroyed, so anyone and everyone that matches can claim the powers of this spot."

They proceeded around the back of the ship, and found a small door leading inside...
Not much here except Tengu laying down a few more railroad tracks. Oh, how I wish someone would skip along right behind this post and take it somewhere completely different, and quote Tengu's own post back to him when he gets pissed off.

Post #549, by SirMontyG

Hey Anthadd! We were just winning!
I was expecting so much more from Major Asshole than an ordinary one sentence gripe.

For some reason, Thread 2 Page 1 has only 39 posts on it instead of the normal 40. I presumed I'd made an error and missed a post somewhere, but after a half-hour of painstaking searching, I have concluded that I did not. I don't know why a post is missing, but I know it's going to throw off my organization. So my next post on this blog will pick up with Thread 2 Page 2 and will annotate six posts.

Posts #541-545: 23 April 2000

Post #541, by Foppy King

(Uh oh! I'm in 2 places at once! This isn't good...) "Fortunetely, I can split myself into 2 Foppys!" (Woo fixed that one.)
Thank you for reminding us why nobody wanted to include you in their writing, in about ten different ways. Now let's hope the "no problem, I can split myself into two and participate in two storylines at once!" idea never gets Tengu's brain churning.

Post #542, by Godeg

Mike promptly appeared on pink cloud, appearing next to Nathan.
You'll notice how a lot of things happen promptly in IF. It's for the best; not only does nobody want to write two or three posts that consist of "[character] climbed by himself up the mountain and some irrelevant stuff happened...", nobody wants to read it, either. I mean, people could make more of an effort to add a dash of interesting to the story ("Mike climbed the unforgiving mountain, struggling through rain, cold and fatigue, and finally caught up to Nathan...") but it's just hopeless to expect an IF'er to pull that off.
"Hey Nathan, how's it goin? You know me as Godeg off of StarCraft and whatnot. I thought there was some sort of party goin' on... what happened?" Mike asked Nathan.
The question of how Godeg recognizes Nathan, but does not expect Nathan to recognize him, is tossed onto the big ol' heapin' Pile of Questions in the Gathering That Will Never Be Answered.
"Well, it appears as if this island really is eagleland. Everybody decided to go out and look for the sanctuaries." Nathan replied.

"Well... since ive got nobody else, can i follow you for awhile? I mean, that is, if you want to..." Mike awaits Nathan's reply.
Aww, it almost sounds like something Chris would post. "I've got nobody else. I mean, that is, if you want to..."

Post #543, by Ness The Skittleboy

Back In Scaraba...

Ness The Skittleboy woke up from a very disturbing dream,a dream in which had answered the question of what was following Juilana and Chris.
This is, I'm pretty sure, the first mention of anything following Chris and "Juilana," whoever that is. (Let's hope he/she/it is not related to Juiblex.) Unless he's talking about PSIOsman.
Fate has been following him,and he had an image of Chris and Juliana in trouble.
No... that's not what all that groaning and moaning means, kiddo.

Oh... sorry. I got confused there. I thought this was Chris dreaming.
He sat down on the floor of his tent and began to concentrate.He transported to Stonehenge base and searched for the secret passage beneath the snow.He walked down the steps into the behemoth of the base and began searching for Chris and Juilana in the darkness.
I'm getting concerned that this "Juilana" is a Great Old One in disguise.
The path was littered with broken robotic parts of unkown orgin.Ness The Skittleboy suddenly saw a flash and he saw Juliana and another individual in front of him. The person with Juliana was fighting a starman and he saw Chris lying on a table in the corner.Juliana turned around,startled at Skittleboy's appearence and he nodded and said "Have no fear..I have no evil intent."
Well, then. He said he has no evil intent, so that's that. There's no way he could be a bad guy now! I'm glad that's settled.

Also, wait, what the hell? When did Chris say "I get incapacitated"? It's going to be funny to see how Chris responds to that. By swinging his Holy Mace of Admin Kickass, or by moping around? DON'T MISS NEXT WEEK'S SHOW.
With that he pulled out his katana and did the samurai luck ceremony.He then raised his katana into attack position and spun through the air,slicing the starman with a fierce backslash.The starman blocked and reversed,drawing his attention to Skittleboy instead of PsiOman.Blocking blows from the starman Skittleboy yelled "Now..get Chris off the table..hurry"
Ah, it's the White Knight play. Get the fair maiden's attention via heroic sacrifice. It's especially effective when, thanks to AC Immortality, there's no actual risk of having to sacrifice anything!

Post #544, by Anthadd

"Shrooom!" Anthadd exclaimed. "I challenge you for the Your Sanctuary you now control!"
Anthadd should know better. Shrooom! accepts challenges from no one but Ness. But I'm being as boring as Anthadd is, pointing that out all the time, so I'll shut up.
"Foolish child," Shrooom! hissed. "They never learn. Ness barely escaped with his life."
But you did not escape with yours. What in the hell are you doing back here again? This does not make sense.
"Maybe we're luckier," Kiyo retorted.
...not? Shrooom! is a 13-year-old valley girl?
Writing like that in the Lumine Hall appeared in an empty hall.
"The denizens of Starmen.Net fare well...but can they survive the evil among them?"
"Yes...but only if they learn to work together."
"Then, we must test them."
"They have already proven their worthiness, by finding their way in such amazing ways. Magic, jets, swimming."
The writing disappeared.
There's a 67% chance Anthadd was tripping on shrooms when he wrote this. That makes that first part make a lot more sense.
The SM.Netters within the Stonehenge base had been defeated, and now lay encased within the capsules the test subjects were, their strength ebbing.
"Help us...someone...please..." PSIOsman telepathically communicated.
Man, this is weird. Declaring that other people's ACs in a battle that has nothing to do with what your AC is doing have been defeated and captured is a great way to get a whole bunch of people pissed off at you. Anthadd has just done this very thing to the forum admins. I guess this is the kind of stuff that happens when you (as the admins have lately) go a while without posting. People just assume you're not really coming back and start doing whatever they want with your ACs.

Post #545, by Mog116

Yeah, I wish you every luck in your effort to make that fly, bucko.
Mog reached the top of the wall he wasw climbing. "Huh?" There was a huge spaceship looming in front of him. It had to be several hundred feet tall. "Dang." Mog looked at the things gaurding it. They looked like super-deformed Starmen.
Pretty much every baddie in bad Earthbound fic looks like some variation on Starmen.
They were all wearing white robes, which were dangling above their feet. "I'm gonna need some help..." Mog, without thinking jumped forward.
Mog, without thinking wrote an IF post. Mog, without thinking could not understand why everyone either ignored it or got pissed off by it.
"PSI SUMMON: STRAY!" There was a flash, and a cat appeared. It did a quick dance, and confused all the Hooded Starmen.
Yeah... I didn't know you could use PSI to invoke Espers from Final Fantasy VI either. But apparently PSI can only summon the really sucky ones.
They started beating the well... er... They beat each other up. Mog won! Mog gained 12 PSI Counters (The measure of points you need to learn a new PSI) Mog realized the power of PSI Quake! Mog Realized the power of PSI Summon: Starmen! Mog gained 3675 exp.
Everyone else Realized the power of PSI Set to Ignore: Mog116. You begin to see why I am the very first person to read this entire thing. Or at least, I assume I will be. We're still only one-third of the way through it at best, so my sanity still has to stretch a long way yet.
[This message has been edited by Mog116 (edited 04-23-2000).]

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