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13 June 2018

Posts #1156-1160: 25 May 2000

Post #1156, by Jonathan

Jonathan soon heard about the gathering and joined it. "Maybe I can find a way to get Nintendo here so I can get a copy of Mother 3 for us to play.
Ahh, it's been quite a while since any randoms that I have no recollection of whatsoever have popped in with a two line post just so they could one day tell their grandchildren they posted in the Gathering.

Post #1157, by Falcon24

Falcon strolled out to the front entrance of the Police Station and sat down on a bench. He watched as a shady looking young kid(possibly a member of the Sharks) casually walked up to an old lady and 'relieved' her of her purse. He shook his head, but he vowed not to get involved. Besides, local law enforcement would handle the situation, he thought as he saw an Officer chase the punk down the street.
This is a delightfully passive-aggressive way of loudly rolling his eyes at guruzeth's fanatical pacifism.
Falcon sighed. Fighting was apparently in his blood, yet he didn't have the will to do it anymore. He was grateful for his new friends, but he could not think of any alternative other than combat. It was his state of mind, it was imbued in his very soul. He could not ignore it, and it would not go away.

He looked up to see guruzeth sitting at a table outside the bakery nextdoor to the station. guruzeth looked up from his lunch and stared at him. Falcon shook his head. "I can't just sit here. I'm sorry." He got up, pulled a baseball bat from the holster on his back, and walked back into the station.
To no one's surprise (and this annotator's pleasure,) Falcon24 is telling guruzeth to go f--- himself. The Six Friends have officially fractured and Falcon24 has announced he's starting his own group. Probably (I'm not reading ahead here, and you may be surprised to learn that I don't remember clearly what happens next) diospadre will go with him, the girls will go with guruzeth, and Chris will go off to sulk on his own. 
Falcon24 never saw the IF forum before the Gathering and doesn't understand the context of guruzeth's long feud with Tengu Man and disgust with this thread having basically become yet another Tengu Man and Company Kill Bad Guys and Save the World thread. He just sees guruzeth behaving like a complete douchebag and is responding accordingly. I think I speak for all of us when I say I can't blame him.

Post #1158, by guruzeth

After watching Falcon go back inside the station, guru decided there was no use in hanging around any longer. He rose from the table he was at and began what he knew figured to be a very long walk, about a half mile down the paved road and then turning into the thick jungle.
You'd think guruzeth of all people would know that Onett is situated nowhere within a thousand miles of a jungle. You know he's pretty worked up if he's throwing his prodigious EarthBound knowledge to the wind.
It had been a long journey, and for the most part an enjoyable one. He thought about how he first arrived, confused and disoriented, and then about the journey to and through Scaraba with Tracy, and how they were almost killed on various occasions; he thought about the group they had met up with that were now all inside a police station trying to beat up cops.
I feel the need to interject here and say: to the extent guruzeth was "almost killed" during his too touchy travels with Traceh, it was only by way of circumstances contrived by guruzeth to repeatedly injure himself. At no point was he ever placed in any danger by anything resembling combat, or by any other writer. What in the world is he bitching about? 
He must have read them wrong; he didn't see them to be the violent type. He followed a narrow path through the jungle; as he walked on and on, the forest began to grow thinner. Was he nearing another town..?
guruzeth is actually ditching his group and advertising his willingness to be picked up by another group, which he must know is likely going to include the kiddies. He of course is going to rendezvous with PSI322 almost immediately, but it appears he has no qualms about leaving poor Traceh in the dust.

Post #1159, by Little Yoshi

When Tim came to, he was in a cell. This wasn't much to his suprise, for he expected something like this. He saw Evil Mani Mani just outside the energy bars.
"So, you have awakened?" Evil Mani Mani asked.
"I haveth," Tim replied.
He's aping Frog's botched Shakespearean English from Chrono Trigger, in case you forgot.
"Would you like to know your termination date?"
"Ah, what the heck, sure," Tim said.
"...Well, you won't be terminated. But how would you like to live forever in that cell?" Evil Mani Mani asked, laughing.
"You think my friends won't break me outta here?"
"Well, considering the fact that they probably have no clue of the location of this base, and they are mere weaklings, no,"
The sad thing is that if anyone does attempt to come to his rescue, he will in fact make a point of forcibly demonstrating them to be both stupid and weak, so Liyoshi can look cunning and awesome by comparison. And people keep falling for it! I think the sheer volume of his posts is maintaining the kiddies' attention. It sure as hell lost mine a long time ago.
"Well, you've got another thing coming!"
"Oh I do, do I?" Evil Mani Mani inquired.(I'd continue this if there weren't a thunderstorm right now)
Carolina thunderstorms are nothing to be trifled with, so on this point, at least, I believe him. It goes without saying that he wouldn't dream of just leaving this post in Notepad and coming back to it in an hour. Who knows what new posts might have been made by then that would change everything! If you overlook the fact no one is paying any attention to Liyoshi at all. Liyoshi certainly is not overlooking that fact.

Post #1160, by Pikachu3164

((SuperSpeedy, Pikachu isn't a stupid head. He knows that Mew can learn Transform, along with every TM in the book.))
So there, asshole.
[Bored, bored, bored. Dr. Andonuts, when will the repellant be finished.]

"Cell Extraction/Dissection takes a while. My guess is a few days."

[But I don't have that long! Grr...]

Pikachu, bored, went upstairs. He decided the Mr. Saturn might be able to entertain him.

"BoiNG! eViL STaTue TaKe FRieND oF SMaLL YeLLoW RaT!"


"STuPID Rat. You No uNDeRSTaND. eViL MaNi MaNi TaKe FRieND, TiM!"
I'm just shaking my head over here. Why? Why do people want to be friends with Liyoshi? Well, I mean, yeah, a lonely kid is going to be friends with anyone who speaks to them. Even if it's just to say, over and over, "I'm cooler than you. You know I'm cooler than you, right?"
[Great. When does the vacation actually start?]

"NoW! you HaVe No PP! No CaN HeLP FRieND, As HeaLiNG MaCHiNe BRoKeN!"

[Dang. Guess I have to sit here, bored stiff.]
3164's like, "I'm not going to pay attention to you until you pay attention to me!" Or something?

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