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31 October 2011

Posts #826-830: 5 May 2000

Post #826, by guruzeth

- Part 2 grew to the point where it, like part 1, mysteriously vanished. Hopefully we can recover and archive it. Continue the story here, for now.
guruzeth was in the strange habit of leading every post he wrote (on the forums or the site's main page) with a hyphen. It made sense to him at the time, I guess.

Post #827, by  waffle

(Hmm, okay.)
I don't know what he's responding to. I've checked back through the last 20 posts or so and I can't figure it out.
Waffle and Luna walked into the Fire Spring sanctuary.
"Ok, you have your pieces of the sound stone, right?" waffle asked reaching into his pocket.
"reaching into his pocket" is a curiously long name. And curiously devoid of the capitalization we've come to expect from names.
Luna stuck her hand out where her shiny, glittering piece was sitting. "Right here."
"Ok then, I guess we should attach them together," Waffy said as he pulled out his piece.
They both put their pieces together and they somehow connected, forming one stone.
"Somehow" is a great word to use when what you mean is "I don't know how it works either, and anyway it's boring, so let's move on."
"Hmm..." waffle said looking at it, "Sure is interesting."
By which he means uninteresting.
"Yeah, lets get the melody now."

Luna took the stone and walked up to the largest area of lava there. They both heard the short song and the sound stone starting glowing once again. Not just glowing this time, but also starting to shake.
"Woah! Whats going on!?" Luna yelled staring at the stone.
Waffle stepped over and the sound stone dissapeared in Luna's hand. "Thats odd..." "Yeah, we didn't even get all the melodies..."

Just then, a portal seemed to appear in front of them.
"Whats this?"
Waffle stared at the portal. "Magicant?"
I'm scratching my head because I really can't understand why waffle wants to do what eight writers have already done. I get how everyone's afraid of being uncool and all, but at some point doesn't the shtick have to get tired?

Eh. Magicant is just too fun a concept for anyone to pass up. Traveling through my own mind, man! Usually you need some damn powerful hallucinogens to accomplish such a thing. And those aren't so easy to get when you're 14.

Post #828, by Gauntlet Wizard

(Oh no! Part 2 disappeared too?!
It got better.
I don't remember where I was... well, maybe... I remember were my group was, I suppose, unless PSIOsman or SaturnAl added something before I got to see it...)
[Recap for my group: Siris, Osman, and Alan had just received the melody for Magnet Hill after Osman defeated a big monstery thingy. We were deciding where to go next...]
"A big monstery thingy" is a fair description for what Osman defeated, I think.
"Where do we go next, Osman?" Siris asked. "You're the one with the Sound Stone thingy..."
Wow, Osman is actually being acknowledged by someone as the group leader. I think that may be the first example of yielding group leadership to someone else in the entire 828 posts. It doesn't happen often.

Post #829, by PSIOsman

(Right before part 1 got deleted, We got into the lost underworld and had gotten the Fire Springs melody. Now we go fight Lavos.)
I think he meant Part 2. Was he even around for Part 1? I think he was.

Post #830, by murkkie

(part 1 did not dissapear it is on page 2 of the forum.)
Glad the guy who's posted like twice is staying on top of what happened to Part 1. But maybe I shouldn't be so hard on him; it's possible he's actually reading Part 1, so as to know what's going on when he gets to posting on Part 3.

...you're right, that sounds pretty ridiculous now that I read it.

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