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14 September 2013

Posts #1126-1130: 23-24 May 2000

Post #1126, by Falcon24

Falcon's eyes shot open. He looked about himself, trying to take in his surroundings, when he noticed he was floating!
You really cheapen exclamation marks by using them too much!
He kicked his feet wildly. "What the heck!?" The green light intensified. This was followed by a bright flash.

As the flash slowly faded away, everyone could now see that the room was a mess. Bottles and viles of medicine lie shattered on the floor, and all sorts of medical equipment lie in dissarray around the room. Everyone was covered with a dark substance, similar to soot.

Falcon was lying on the floor, face down near some broken equipment. He struggled to rise, his face covered with the same sooty substance as everyone else. He stood on one knee, and coughed out a mouthful of the black dust. "Um....ow.."
Falcon24 never read any of Traceh's posts, but even if he had he would likely have handled this post the same way. He's unique, dammit, and the healing bugs are going to have a much more spectacular effect on him than on some pissant like guruzeth.

I calculate we're in for a lot of fun as he and guruzeth try to one-up each other on the Look At Me I'm Important scoreboard.

Post #1127, by guruzeth

A few hours later, Falcon had been released from the hospital with no wounds and the doctors' wide open mouths, and the group was sitting in the hospital lobby discussing their plans.
Setting aside what an atrociously badly written sentence that is, we can appreciate guruzeth jumping right in and skipping the timeline ahead to trivialize Falcon24's attempt at making himself important. Yessirree, we are in for some entertainment with these two.
"We should still head for the amusement park, I think," guru was saying, "just so long as there's water rides, or at least some method of getting wet... and provided it's still there. If these Lavos things keep coming, we'll have to get off the island probably."
In English, guruzeth is saying "keep your violence far away from me or I'm so out of here. Stay tuned; he's just getting the Angst Machine warmed up.
"Yeah, I hope they stay away," said Tracy. "It's about time we got to relax!"

Unfortunately, just as she finished speaking, there was a low rumbling outside and panicked people burst into the hospital. "There's giant porcupine-things out there!!"

The whole group simultaneously shot to their feet, looking around at one another. "dios!" guru said. "Let's get outta here now! Head for the park!"
Odd; I don't remember any other writers sending Lavos Spawn after the Seven Friends. Do you? Why would guruzeth inflict it on himself, other than to draw attention to himself as he angsts?
"What?! I just spent three hours cleaning my car!" diospadre cried. "And now you wanna screw it up AGAIN?! Why don't I just let them kill me instead and end my suffering?!"
guruzeth was trying to make jokes based on diospadre's well-established (elsewhere on the forums) love affair with his vehicle. guruzeth was never very good at making jokes.
Everyone else just shook their head and dove into diospadre's wheels, and dios fired the engine and took off.

"Well, at least the scenery is nice," said Juliana, gazing out the window at the swaying palm trees as they shot across the island at about 50 MPH on an unpaved road.

Suddenly, the air was pierced by Chris's scream. "DIOS! LOOK OUT FOR THAT TREE!"
I guess he wanted Chris to feel included--you know how important that is to Chris--but I have to be honest: I've read better cliffhangers.

Post #1128, by Anthadd

(You actually defeated Diamond Dog and absorbed the power of the Fire Spring without my powerful weaponry?) asked the rock, aghast.
"That's correct," Anthadd replied. "Sometimes it takes brain, not brawn to solve a problem."
(Pfft. You're just lucky.)
They're ACs, so brawn doesn't even enter the equation.
"I seem to remember Anthadd commenting that you'd give him something if he returned," Sir pointed out.
(Oh, very well. Take the ability.) The rock was visibly agitated.

Anthadd learned PSI Teleport Alpha!

"Let's return to the Tenda Village, Sir," Anthadd said, charging up a teleport, and they disappeared into the sky.
That's too bad; I liked Anthadd being among the last holdouts without teleportation. I think the charter members of the Four Friends (guruzeth, Traceh, Chris, PSI322) are now officially the last four ACs left that have never invoked teleportation after some fashion or another. (Though PSI322 and Chris somehow managed to get from Deep Darkness to Winters by walking, which sounds more than slightly suspect to me.)

Post #1129, by Traceh

"Chill out Chris, he isnt George of the jungle ya know," Tracy spat. They all gripped eachother as dios made a hard left turn, scraping the side of his 'friend' on the huge tree trunk but not seriously injurying anyone.
I actually laughed. By itself it's a lame joke, but playing off the asinine way guruzeth ended his last post it's funny. Nice understated smackdown of guruzeth there (and though the bad line is attributed to Chris, everyone knows guruzeth wrote it).
"Woo! that was close!" called Poo from the back. The vehicle came to a screaching halt a few feet away and they all watched in disbelief as dios ripped through the door and circled the car. Hey let out an 'oooh my poor baby!' and hugged the dent with a look of pain in his eyes.
See, it wasn't just guruzeth that picked up on the "diospadre loves his car" thing.
Juliana looked at them. "Well, we have to do something, dont we?" She opened the sliding door and edged around the car to console the greif-stricken dios. "We can fix your car when we get somewhere...but if you dont mind, we are in the process of running from an evil force. Do you really want your precious baby to be eaten by a giant porcupine?"
Traceh also picked the right person to do the consoling; this is exactly the kind of thing PSI322 would do, as you know if you've read her moderator-duty posts in this very Gathering. Traceh is a sharp poster.
"I guess you're right," he said with a sigh. He patted the dent, slowly backed away, and got back into the driver's seat.

"Alright," said guru, "back on track. Hand me that map please, Chris." Chris took the map from the dashboard and tossed it back. "This map says we are somewhere....and thats about it. I guess if we keep close to the beach and follow it for a while, we aught to end up at our destination."
Was it ever actually established what their destination is? As best I can recall, the only thing concretely stated about their destination was that it was away from the beach.
Chris looked out through the front window and studdied the forest. "Well, Ive been noticing the trees are becoming less dense. You know what that means....a town isnt too far. At least I think thats what it means. Heh."
I imagine that's probably what it means. Though I suppose it could be a crude tribe of cannibals; wouldn't that beat all?
"Letts find out!" cried Tracy. "dios, are you gonna show us just how cruisin this Explorer is?" With that they were off, faster and faster (and yet at a somewhat safe and reasonable speed) through the remainder of the forest. But where were all the animals?
Safe and reasonable? She must not know diospadre very well. Also I'm pretty sure animals, having honed their survival instincts over millions of years of evolution, are doing a fine job of staying the hell away from the speeding two-ton death machine.

Post #1130, by SirMontyG

After a few missattempts, Anthadd and Sir teleported back to the Tenda Village.

"Whoa.." Sir said, a little dissy from the teleport, "What a rush.."
Major Asshole definitely likes to diss, but I see no diss there.
"Anthadd! Sir! Welcome back!" Said the Tenda leader. "Shall we discuss your journies over a cup of tea?"

"Well, alright" Said Sir, ready to reminise..

From what I can remember, I came to this island only to stay for a short time. A few days for the party. After a rough journy, I was met by Tim, who showed me the nearby hot springs. I fell asleap in the springs, only to awake to see dozens of others ariving, starting up sand castle touniments, water races, dances, and even building an amusement park. I met a few friends, and accidently ticked off Mani and Pikachu, something I still regret.. Anyways, a group of AC's decided to explore the interior of the island, and boy did that start up some excitement! I tried to tag along, but I was either ditched or got lost and ended up wandering into a quick adventure with Chris, soon to be put here in the village. That's the first time I met Anthadd as I recall.. Gosh, that's good tea. Can I get another cup? I'm not boring you, am I? Well, hang tight, I'm halfway done.
Not boring me at all, actually. If Major Asshole wrote a stream-of-consciousness book I would read all 300 pages in one sitting, even full of typos.
Anyways, Chris and Juliana came back to help us out with the electro specter that desided to attack the village, and I got a new weapon: the lightweight bazooka! From there, I traveled with the runaway 5 to Fourside, only to find Falcon had destroed magnet hill. I confronted him later in Scarabia, nearly killing myself by touching the sound sapper. If I would have been there a few seconds earlier, I could have stopped Lavos from being awakened, although destroing myself in the process..Well, I traveled for a while, actually meeting up with Lavos, and for a second we shared the friendship we had in the past.Unfortunatly, he had a battle to attend to, so we went out seperate ways. Ran into Chris again, went on a quick trip with a few other Knights of Nee, and even defeated my indesiciveness in a cool action sequence in my mind. After that, I attempeted to summon all the AC's together to battle, but that one kinda bottomed out after I learned Lavos can only be defeated by the chosen four. That and the fact many just wanted to have the vacation we started earlier instead of fighting. Then I got a call from Anthadd, I rented a beamer, helped Anthadd get his melody, and wound up here.

Sir noticed that, due to his rambling, he had finished off 4 cups of tea.
"Heh, kinda got carried away there, huh?"
he would have gotten a responce, but everyone in the village was dead asleap.

I don't know what motivated him to post a summary of all his activity in the Gathering, other than perhaps wanting to see it on his screen for his own amusement.

07 September 2013

Posts #1121-1125: 22 May 2000

Post #1121, by Chris

Most everyone was sitting in the hospital waiting room, waiting to find out what had become of their mysterious friend.
You have to admire how accepting the newly minted Seven Friends are. Some random dude, who for all they know is just some wino that wandered into the woods, gets run over by their car and instantly they assume he's their friend. D'aww.
Chris had gone out to get a few sodas for the group, but everyone else was seated silently in chairs, awaiting news. A few people were reading, others were staring at the the wall.

The silence of the hospital was broken by Chris's return. He had a few drinks in his arm, as well as a bag of chips for anyone that was hungry.

"Any news?" he asked despondently.

"Nothing." guruzeth replied.
He doesn't even know Falcon24 in-story, so we can only assume he's despondent because he knows he won't be getting any further attention from Juliana. Even proving he knows what 'despondent' means and how to spell it isn't helping.
Chris joined the crew in chairs, and picked up a magazine to read. He flipped to an article titled "How to Make the Most of Your Eagleland Vacation." He read for a few minutes, then put it down, deciding that he didn't want to think about the adventures here, now that someone had almost (indeed, had) died as a result of the "adventures." While he sat there contemplating this, he began to doze off, and soon was sleeping in his chair in the waiting room.
Yeah, we're all certain this is the absolute truth, and his sudden lack of interest in "adventures" has nothing at all to do with the fact he can't solo with Juliana anymore.
You'll notice this was another medium-sized post in which nothing happens; we're in a holding pattern here because the writers involved are understandably leery of deciding what happens to Falcon24's AC.

Post #1122, by diospadre

diospadre was't able to sit in the lobby any longer. He hated hospitals, the thought of dead bodies made him noxious. He decided he would go clean his car out, after all there were 5 muddy kids in there a little while ago.
Won't there be 6 muddy kids in there in the near future, though?
dios turned on the cd player in the car and began scrubbing away at the dirt. Then he came to the bug he had spit out earlier. An idea suddenly struck him. "guruzeth said these were healing bugs. I bet this could help our new friend."
The grand prize goes to diospadre for being the first to remember that Traceh has a jar full of healing bugs! Let's give him a hand.

Seriously, you have to hand it to him for being the one guy in this whole thread that actually has been reading at least the posts of the people he's plotlining with.
dios grabbed the dead bug from his expectorate and ran into the hospital. He quietly snuck into the room where the unconcious boy lay, and put the bug in his mouth. He then poired some water into his throat to make him drink. Suddenly the boy was lifted from the bed, surrounded by a strange green aura, opposed to the blue one he and guruzeth had experienced earlier.
Further proving he actually read Traceh's posts from quite a while ago; he knew what color guruzeth glowed when he was experiencing Deus Ex Machina.
Suddenly a doctor and diospadre's friends rushed into the room. "What's happening!?" the doctor yelled.
"Nothing much, doctor, I swear! I was just shoving a giant beetle down this unconscious kid's throat and pouring water down... I mean... hey, wait! LET ME GO!"

Post #1123, by Little Yoshi

Tim did a Leap Slash over the Lavos Spawns, and struck the machine. It made a noise, and then exploded into pieces. The ice barrier fell, and Tim without thinking casted an Ice spell on everything. The shells all retaliated, and Tim was not undamaged after being hit by 8 Needle attacks. He scrambled to his feet, and chopped off their heads one by one. Then, he hadn't been noticing where he was going, he bumped into something hard. It was Evil Mani Mani, again.
"Let's go," Evil Mani Mani said, teleporting them to an icolated(sp?) arena.
Liyoshi, alone still proudly doing exactly what he was doing almost a thousand posts ago. Everyone else, not alone, still proudly not giving a s---.
[This message has been edited by Little Yoshi (edited 05-22-2000).]

Post #1124, by Traceh

Tracy looked up from the magazine she was reading. She had never been that fond of hospitals, especially the part about blood. Ugh...blood. *cringe*. Her eyes wandered and she noticed diospadre get out of his seat, a look of disgust on his face, and walk out. She stood up and wispered "I'll be right back, mmmkay?" and started on her search to find a drinking fountain.
Whispered to who, and why is she whispering? Is it supposed to be a secret that she's gone?
About half way down the hall she spotted one, and made a bee-line towards it. After exaughsting her stomach's capacity for water, she wiped her mouth with her sleeve and was about to head back to the others when she heard a noise a few rooms down.

Peaking around the corner she saw a strange green light eminating from a room a ways down the hall. Being as quiet as possible she tip-toed down the hall and glanced into the room where there an unexpected sight met her eyes. There he was, the stranger they had pulled out of the rain, glowing a greenish light. To his left was a smug looking dios and a verry frightened looking doctor.
She's not diospadre nailed, no doubt of that. Though I doubt the doctor would look frightened. Instead he'd be saying some Latin words and explaining that it's perfectly normal given his symptoms and course of treatment that he is levitating and glowing like Slimer.
Tracy ran into the room and tugged on diospadre's sleeve. "dios..what have you done? What's happening to him? And how the heck are we supposed to explain this little predicament to the doctors...let alone the creepy people the doctors work for!?"
Wow, she hit the nail on the head about hospital administrators. That's especially impressive given it was 13 years ago. You ain't seen nothin' yet, Tracy...
By then the others had noticed the light and were at the door, along with a few curious onlookers who were no help at all. She ran down the hall, grabbed her bag, and wrapped the purple egg-filled bottle in a sweater and shoved it to the bottom of the bag where it would hopefully be safe. She slung the bag up over her shoulder and ran back to the room.
So far the Seven Friends are doing an admirable job making interesting things happen while avoiding, as they must, deciding what happens with Falcon24's AC.
[This message has been edited by Traceh (edited 05-22-2000).]

Post #1125, by Pikachu3164

Pikachu started to get impatient.
Well damn, I never would have imagined that could happen.
It was almost dawn, and he wqanted to get back to the hotel. [Ah, I don't want to wait another minute! I just want to get back to the hotel!]

So, Pikachu used Teleport Omega and arrived at the Eageland Hotel. There, he saw a bunch of Lavos Spawn.

[Oh for crying out loud! When do I get to take a vacation!]

Pikachu ran up to the Lavos Spawn and created a Light Screen. Then, he immobolized them with a Thunder Wave. Then he used Swift, Thunder, and other various moves in an effort to get rid of them quickly.
You have to imagine he called it merely an 'effort' because he knew it was doomed. It's odd the way some of these kids never seemed to have even considered that it's Interactive Fiction and so they do have some power over what their ACs do, and could forcibly take a vacation if they really wanted to. That, or violence was truly what made them happy, whatever they may say. That's the story of human civilization in a nutshell right there.

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