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08 May 2011

Posts #573-575: 24 April 2000

Post #573, by Fritz42

Just then a Time space rip open up and an anvil falls on mog. `Frieza pokes his head out
"Sorry bout that guys"
`Frieza jumps out of the rip and it vanishes
Hahahahaha! I think I have a new favorite Gathering poster.

I don't know about you, but to me it feels very good to have someone trying to re-introduce some pointless insanity into the proceedings, which have dissolved into something that looks distressingly like every other IF thread of the day. Only bigger.
"So were u guys headed?"

Post #574, by Tengu Man/Makron

Darth sprung up, and growled...

"What?!" asked Mani.

"... it's here.... but a year behind it schedule..." Darth spoke morbidly.

"What, what's here?" asked Paula.

"The "Big Fire"... Lavos..." Darth said.
Well... for something that really thinks more in geological scale, being one year off is not such a big deal. That's like bitching that somebody was 0.08 seconds late for a meeting.

Obviously the more important point here is Tengu is acting like his AC expected this all along, as an attempt to snatch ownership of the Lavos concept away from Falcon24. Certainly Tengu was happier than anyone ever to introduce crossovers.
"WHAT?!" Mani screamed, "He's just in a game!!"

"EB was "just a game" too, and look how wrong we were. It seems to have the kind of energy a Lavoian would bring..." Darth answered.

"Great... another evil from a whole different concept... could it be true?" Mani was pondering...

"If so, we may be able to destroy him, since he's just arriving... It's too weak to do much right now..." Darth answered.
So Tengu announces he's more than happy to run with the Lavos concept. With him and Falcon24 driving the train, everyone else is going to gleefully follow along. Except maybe Chris.
[This message has been edited by Tengu Man/Makron (edited 04-24-2000).]

Post #575, by PsycoPyro

"Whoa!" I said and then smirked. "heh heh he hehe! Jenny! We found Paula! Whoa! This is cool!"
"Matt," Jenny said with a whisper, "I wouldn't ask her phone number if I were you. You better not say anything to her or Ness will seriously kick you-"
Actually, this is the Tengu version of Paula, so Paula will beat the hell out of you herself while Ness does nothing, because Ness is a wimp.

Also, if I remember Tengu's post on the subject correctly, Ness isn't even here.
"So hey Paula? Say after this adventure, we go do something together?"
Paula stares at me and rolls her eyes. Ness on the other hand has a jealous look on his face.
"We should of left the boy behind at the Fire Springs." Ness said and crossed his arms.
"What was I doing?" I asked. "I was just-"
"Leave Paula alone!" Ness warned me.
Tengu's going to set off the fire alarm with the smoke pouring out his ears when he reads this. Then he'll calm down and dismiss the whole thing with a one sentence comment.
"Everyone calm down." Jenny said. "Matt, you should show some graititude to these guys. And stop playing around! If it weren't for them, they would have been at the Fire Springs. By the way, thanks you guys so much for the help."
Isn't it odd how Jenny isn't thinking about the fact Matt was just punching her in the face a minute ago?
"Wait..." Someone said. "I sense something wrong back at the Fire Springs."
Someone? I'm a little confused by that. Maybe he just didn't want to risk stepping on Tengu's toes, but even that makes little sense since he spent the rest of the post doing just that.

This is a string of three straight posts that were edited after posting, which makes me think there was a simul-post that forced some editing to make things line up.
[This message has been edited by PsycoPyro (edited 04-24-2000).]

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