17 May must have been a Saturday. There are many more posts on this day than on any other one day for some time before.TsuramiSea had gone into many of the buildings in the business area, and still had some more to check. Then he had to search the boardwalk and the beach. It wouldn't be easy.
Is he still looking for Lavos? In business buildings? I mean, granted, in corporate headquarters in a major city is an excellent place to look for a being of pure evil. But usually it's not a giant space hedgehog you're looking for specifically.He already had a headache from getting kicked out of the Scaraba Cultural Museum for entering and screaming, "IS ANYONE HERE FROM SM.NET?!?"
An excellent and amusing point. That would get you kicked out of most respectable museums, I suspect.However, now he was coming up on another Summers restaurant. He was almost given up, feeling that he'd never find the other SM.Netters, but felt that he had to try.
It sounds like he's trying to latch onto team guruzeth, but then he apparently hasn't been reading their posts, which specified there were only two restaurants in Summers, if you count the Stoic Club as a "restaurant".Entering the restaurant, he went up to the manager. "Excuse me, sir." The man turned to him. "May I please use your intercom... er... speaker system... whatever exactly, for a moment? I want to try to locate a certain party, but I'm not certain whether or not they're in this restaurant."
The man smirked. "Yes." TsuramiSea beamed. "But it will cost you $30." Tsurami's face contorted, but he handed over the money. What a cheap tourist trap, he thought. He stepped over to the PA.
Being that $30 is the prize of a single small serving of gelato in EarthBound's Summers, I suspect the bribe would be closer to $3,000 than $30."Paging all SM.Netters! Paging all SM.Netters! If you are from SM.Net, a fellow site-goer would like to meet you! I'll be at the front of the restaurant! If there are any SM.Netters here, please come! I'd like to meet you!" Then he got away from the speaker. Standing near the front of the restaurant, Tsurami waited for a response...
(Okay, if the gang currently in Summers wants to put up with me, someone come and get me. If not, just ignore me, and I'll assume I was in the wrong restaurant.)
I wonder if the attention-starved brigade really didn't understand how badly they were hampering their own quests for attention. Tsurami demonstrates here how to do it exactly wrong: Demand someone else go out of their way to acknowledge and accept you. Instead of the natural and correct thing, which is walk up to them and join them.
Passivity is the path to being a loser. If you want to win at life, do active things.
Post #1052, by Chris
After a little while, the food arrived. Though his French wasn't the best, Chris had still managed to take a good guess at what he was ordering, and acquired some kind of chicken. Tracy and guruzeth had both ordered various sandwhiches, and Poo and Juliana had wound up with some exotic looking dish.
Thank you, Chris. That's very uninteresting.While they ate, they conversed over what they might do after resting at the hotel.
"Okay, essentially, we can do one of two things. We can join everyone else in fighting Lavos, or we can tour Eagleland on our own. Juliana and I have covered a good deal of it, as has Poo, and I think that we could see all sorts of interesting things. What do you all think?" Chris asked.
"I say we explore the island." said Tracy.
"Island." Poo replied.
"Same here." guruzeth added.
"Count me in." Juliana finished.
"Great, then, we'll set out the day after tomorrow."
Chris has no idea how much of a dick he comes across as when he tells other people what their ACs think and allow them no free will to do anything but slavishly follow his awesome leadership. He was doing it way back at The Dance, and he's still doing it now.After lunch, the group decided to go down to the beach and hang out. They decided to construct a large sand castle. Chris and Poo ran up the street to buy some shovels and buckets, as they intended to build a huge castle. Soon, they had set to work, digging and building the greatest castle Eagleland Island had ever seen...
Does he really think this is exciting? I can see how it was pretty fun the first time he did it, when he and Juliana were enjoying the brilliant dawn of their undying love for one another. (Remember, PSI322 was allowed no choice in this matter.) But now doing the same thing again is... boring. You're boring, Chris.
It would be awesome if I could believe Chris was pointedly ignoring TsuramiSea here, but he's not. This post came only six minutes after TsuramiSea's, and Chris almost certainly did not see it. Granting, when he did see it after the fact, he didn't care.
Post #1053, by Anthadd
"If I remember correctly, diamond is the hardest, and quite possibly heaviest, non-element on Earth. Therefore, we could logically defeat him by causing him to break apart," Anthadd mused.
"You're kidding, right?"
"Maybe not the heaviest, but a heavy material. And the bigger the diamond is and the higher it is, the greater chance it'll break."
So... your brilliant conclusion is that in order to defeat him, you must: attack him with weapons. Hard. Which is different from what you were already doing... how?"Grrrr..."
Anthadd, in a regularly unseen show of courage, leapt on Diamond Dog's back and tried to ride him into the sky. Noticing a series of hooked stalactities on the cave ceiling, leading down, Anthadd picked two sturdy golf clubs and held them with him. He leapt up, gripping Diamond Dog's body tightly with his legs, and in a way flew to near the entrance.
OK, let's try to sort through the ridiculosities here.
RIDICULOSITY 1: You really, really don't want to try to leap onto Diamond Dog's back if you ever plan on doing any of the following at any future point in your life: have children; walk in a straight line and/or without pain; urinate; engage in activity that traditionally produces children. I don't know, it's a lot to risk.
RIDICULOSITY 2: Diamond Dog is a bloody dog, it doesn't fly.
RIDICULOSITY 3: You're indoors. You yourself referred in the very next sentence to the ceiling. What sky?
RIDICULOSITY 4: If you tried to grip Diamond Dog's body tightly with your legs, you would no longer have legs. Warrants mentioning.
RIDICULOSITY 5: How the hell do you expect this plan to work if, in fact, Diamond Dog can fly?Along the way, Diamond Dog had struggled excitedly trying to snap at the rider, bite him, somehow diamondise him, then began to slip, and finally fell from his legs, not breaking apart on the ground below. But a few hairline cracks appeared.
I'm glad they're enjoying themselves. Maybe I shouldn't judge them so harshly; they seem to be having a fine time, and as long as they're not trying to drag anybody else into it, where's the harm, after all?
I guess all of this is a lot more tolerable when there are two people involved, going back and forth. Liyoshi stretched one battle out over a couple hundred posts and it got to really pissing me off. But I'm not sure if his flying solo was the bigger reason why--for sure, he should have been writing fanfiction, not polluting the thread with crap nobody wants to read--or if it's just that Liyoshi himself is annoying.
Post #1054, by SirMontyG
"A few more times oughta do it.." As Sir attempted to mimic Anthadd's act of valor. He jumped for DD's back, but the dog was waiting this time, and promptly ducked. Sir took a nose dive into the dirt. "Owww.."
As discussed, I find that far preferable to what would happen if you succeeded at that maneuver.Sir quickly got up and turned around. "I was saving this for Lavos, but I see no reason not to use it now!" Sir pulled an odd looking device from his pack. It was a multi bottle rocket. "Aim for the fractures!" Yelled Anth, and Sir did. *KA swoswoswoswoswoswoooosh!!!*
Finally someone does something that's both in-flavor and smart with their AC God Mode. What a wonder. If you equip a Rabbit's Foot you can drop Diamond Dog (who has more HP than any enemy in EarthBound except Giygas himself) in two Multi-Bottle Rocket shots.
Post #1055, by EBPoo
"I've never tried surfing before," commented Poo. "Perhaps while I'm here, I should attempt it." Poo ran to find someone with a surfboard. He spotted a surfer dude, so he went over to interrogate. After chatting for a couple minutes, the surfer handed over the surfboard, and Poo ran out to catch the waves. After wiping out several times, Poo ran back to the others. "Anyone want to try out the surfboard?" asked Poo.
Chris, this is what I've been trying to tell you and you aren't learning. All you do when you flagrantly control other people's ACs is annoy them, and when annoyed they will usually do exactly what EBPoo just did--pointedly ignore you and do what they want. Points to EBPoo for not dignifying Chris's behavior by whining about it, too.