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14 January 2010

Posts #401-405: 22 April 2000

Post #401, by loid

-meahnwhile at the amusment park-
That's two misspellings right off the bat.
"Perfect! Everyones gone and theres no lines!" said Kiyo as he headed for a roller coaster.
Two missing apostrophes.
"Uh you cant ride this, its not fini..."
Another missing apostrophe. There must have been an apostrophe Rapture! They've all gone on to the heavens!
"I dont care if I'm not tall enough! You carnies get paid either way!"

"But it isn't comple..."

"Look, why does everyone talk to me like I'm 6 years old?
Because you are, is my scientific guess.
I dont care if its intense or anything"
Two missing apostrophes; missing period.
"But im not allowed to..." Kiyo handed him a 20$ bill "Enjoy your ride, and please sign this insurance wavier."
Didn't capitalize or put an apostrophe in 'I'm'; no period after 'bill'; 'wavier' is misspelled, though I'm impressed he got 'insurance' right. I'm tempted to ding him for '20$', as I'm pretty sure he's an American and therefore he should be writing '$20', but I can't prove it, so I won't.
the ride went up, down then there was no track left so it lauched several miles over scrabia then fell.
Didn't capitalize 'The'; needs a comma after 'down'; needs a comma after 'left'; 'Scaraba' is misspelled', and needs a comma after it. This is turning out to be some of loid's finest work yet.
"Man what a ride! Good thing I landed in this soft quicksand. Uh oh, sinking, not goodqqggkkk....*"
Needs a comma after 'Man'.

OK! Final tally: 18 grammatical errors, but only 4 misspellings. That raises his totals to: 6 posts; 75 errors (12.5 per post); 20 misspellings (3.3 per post).

Post #402, by Pikachu3164

[Yikes! PSI Shield! Omega!]
A PSI Shield enveloped Pikachu and his friends!
"NO!" Falcon had already shot the Starstorm, and now it was heading right towards him.
What's funny is that even a hyperactive emo kid like 3164 can easily work AC God Mode. It's remarkably easy to pick up and play. Gotten bored with this pointless AC fight yet?
[See what happens when you attack people... Hey, wait.... Why is he attacking you, Luna?]
I wonder... yes, I wonder. Why indeed.

Post #403, by Dr. Andonuts

A gaia beam is a fine weapon for my AC. I'm not sure what weapons to give my AC right now.)
What a cop-out. Yet it's still preferable to wielding legendary uber-weapons from other games.
Nathan heard a low whining sound. "Oh-uh, Tim, it sounds like your boat's shield is about to blow. I'll see if i can fix it. In the meantime, we can use this," Nathan said, while taking out his force-field genorator and setting it up. He handed the Gaia Beam back to Luna, and started to fix Tim's boat's shield.

When you overdo AC God Mode, as Liyoshi is fond of doing, you will tend to irritate even your allies.

Post #404, by Foppy King

(Wow. Leave for a day and there are 2 more pages.)
You're not going to believe this, but like 8 people have written precisely that sentiment already.
While Kiyo had gone to Saturn Valley, the Foppy King searched the Base. After finding nothing but a Magic Butterfly and some icky goo he took the cave to Saturn Valley.
Hey, man, a Magic Butterfly is a nice thing to find. It makes you totally relax, man. That kind of stuff is pricey out on the streets, man.
There he snuck into the hot springs. After a while, the Mr. Saturns noticed the Foppy. He was quickly kicked out of town. "Darn" said the Foppy King. "I was enjoying myself immensly." So he teleported away in search of another hot spring.
The only other hot spring is in Tenda Village, so unless he intends to make up some crap, it looks like he's off to elbow his way into Sir/Anthadd's storyline. Hopefully they'll wrap up with that worthless hunk of scrap metal sometime soon.

Post #405, by Chris

After falling through several holes, Chris and Juliana arrived at the Vehicle Collection.
That reminds me: How exactly the hell are they able to fall at least ten or 15 feet down onto cement, repeatedly, without injuring themselves? Anti-gravity belts? If so, I feel compelled to ask again, why do they need additional equipment?
They took turns resting for a few minutes on the bench, having acquired several bruises during the fall, then started searching around for equipment.
Ah. Several bruises. Well, s---, I guess I stand corrected, then.

Don't you like how 'they took turns' resting on the bench? See, this is a Good Night Bench, where presumably one lies down on. Chris wouldn't want to give anyone the wrong idea, you know?

But then, of course, in EarthBound itself there are three people in the party when you come to those benches. Presumably there's only room for one person to sleep on the bench. But if Ness and Jeff can sleep on the floor and wake up equally refreshed... why the hell do they need the bench at all? RPG Logic.
Before long, they had managed to find a Gold and Silver bracelet, two Great Charms, and a Coin of Defense.
That's some pretty s---ty equipment.
Still, neither of them had any weapons, and they had to figure out how to get down.
That's going to make it tricky to cut down those trees like you promised.Maybe Juliana can use her incredible strength to just push them down.
Deciding that they could afford to push over a vehicle or two, Chris and Juliana started pushing vehicles over the edge to build themselves a step down.
Wait. Wait just a goddamn second. You fell down three holes to get to this place, but now, to get off the ledge, you have to build yourself a damn stairway?
Once on the ground, they found their way out of Dungeon Man. Chris then set to work with his blade in cutting down the palm trees, while Juliana searched the ship and the area for something that could be used as weapons.
After several hours of sweating and having to rest in Dungeon Man, Chris had finally freed him. Dungeon Man agreeded
Agreeded? That's loidian.
to carry them to across the sliver of water that divided North and South Scaraba, so that they could avoid the Pyramid. Once on the other side, it was a short trip north into the legendary desert market of Scaraba...
That's another thing. Ness and his merry band are able to slag their way through a seemingly endless ancient accursed pyramid chock full of hideous evils from the nether-world, but they're not able to cross a f---ing ten foot wide stream. I get that they had to go into the Pyramid in the first place to get a MacGuffin, but that doesn't change the fact that, after that, should they want to travel between North and South Scaraba, you can forget about crossing the river. It's all the way through the Pyramid or stay the hell in North Scaraba.

Actually, to get from South to North, teleporting is your only option, in EarthBound, because the Pyramid is a one way trip, thanks to holes.

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