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18 June 2011

Posts #781-785: 3 May 2000

Post #781, by PSIOsman

Osman leaped out of the way of a claw strike that would have taken his head off. The Scimitar upgrade had given him inhuman agility and reflexes.
The means vary, but the end (AC God Mode) is always the same.
He jumped between alternate tail and claw strikes as he looked for an opening. He jumped up in the air. However, the beast got unlucky and smashed him with its huge, leathery wing. Alan cast his PSI Tsunami, and the monster was slammed by a solid wall of water. It took a few steps backward, stunned.

Siris used this opportunity to cast a spell. He started chanting in a strange tongue, softly at first, then reaching a deafening crescendo. His hand started glowing, and a beam of white light shot toward the beast. It hit the thing straight in the head, dropping it to the ground immediately.
The language (and grammar quality) remind me of Tengu Man here, actually. I don't remember PSIOsman as a Tenguling at all, but he sure writes like one.
"We did it..." said Siris to Alan.
I forget. Is this "creature" Lavos or what?
...OK, I checked. Far as I can tell, it is not. It is just some random bizarro creature that is here for no known reason.
Then a huge scream emitted from the creature. It rose to its feet, then leaped into the air. It hovered for a while, then started flying off!

By this time, Osman recovered. He saw the heavily damaged monster and knew that the beast could not be allowed to escape. But there was nothing he could do.
May I bet against that, please?
Suddenly, the Scimitar started glowing.
Dang, not quick enough. There goes my easy money. He's drifting into Liyoshi predictability territory here and I'm getting bored.
Osman started to hover in the air. He was quite unstable, though. As Siris and Alan watched on amazedly, Osman tried to exert more and more control over his flight.
Always good to have an audience.
When he felt he got it right, he shot off toward the fleeing monster.
He's describing the flying dream that you've probably had before--most people have them occasionally--where you straighten your arms and push down on an imaginary bar, and start to slowly rise in the air, and then eventually you can fly as you please.
It hadn't noticed him intil he had reached right above it. The monster turned, then dived, barely missing a slash that would have shattered its spine. The beast then climbed, and dove at Osman, teeth first. Osman barely dodged. The beast gained altitude again, preparing for another dive. Osman dodged out of the way, but managed to dive down after it. When the monster turned upwards, Osman was still going downwards, blade first...

The point of the sword impaled the monster. Instead of falling to the ground, it exploded in a flash of red energy. When it exploded, a melody sounded in Osman's head. The melody of Magnet Hill! The beast had somehow taken the sanctuary, and used it to augment his power.

Now that the battle was over, he found his ability to fly rapidly waning. He managed to make it back to Fourside just before it failed.
Wow, I guess we have two Liyoshis running around now. Paint the wall with my brains.

Post #782, by Tengu Maul
This is the point at which Tengu Man officially changed his forum handle from "Tengu Man/Makron" to "Tengu Maul". I just categorized all his posts under Tengu Man anyway, if you want to review them and see for yourself what the writing of a magnificent bastard looks like.
(Sorry Dhsu, but I too thought the plot twist was weird. Wasn't it proven at least 2-3 times that it was the real Eagleland, and it was the real creatures? Anth also, I don't think we're allowed to have another AC other than ourselves. Why are people bringing in other ACs anyways?)
Not sure what Anthadd has to do with any of that. He never tried to bring an AC in.

There is no further comment to be made about how stupid dhsu's Matrix thing was.
Darth looked had not gone with his group, but rather, had been searching around the island, when he found out about the computer generator. He was in the midst of a large crater where Lavos had attacked.

"If it's a computer simulator behind this entire thing, then I'm the king of Scaraba. There is NO way that a program could make an illusion of Lavos crashing down from deep space, no matter how good the programming, so Lavos at least is real." he said, "I wonder where Chris is, because he has to know."
Dude, you already told dhsu no out of character. It's a waste of everyone's time to follow that up by doing it in character.
"Human, do you wish to know the truth about this island?" the beeping voice of a Starman came in his hearing.
Oh, this is going to be good. Tengu's going to one-up dhsu and, as he almost always did in IF threads, cook up an absurd backstory that no one could possibly care less about, in his effort to appoint himself, basically, God.
"Why? How do you know?" He armed his weapon.

"This island has existed here since the beginning of the planet's life." the Starman started, "Most humans that haven't been here went by the normal ways of primative life, but this island had more advances. In the early 1400s, someone named "Charles Eaglemayer" explored and found Eagleland, Foggyland and Chrommo. From then on, the people who flourished developed technology a step ahead of that of even America."
OK, I'm now guessing Foggyland and Chrommo are Tengu creations. May they never be mentioned again.
"How? Who managed to do all of this?"

"The man's name was Jimmy Holland, and he was the great-grandfather to Jeff and Dr. Andonuts. His genius had allowed him to create a powerful program that allowed him to copy lifeforms all over the 3 continents, and simulate them on a program."

"So you mean everyone is PC generated?"

"No... SOME creatures are simulated copies of others, but every thing you see here is at least alive, or was alive on this island. This program is not being ran by that of your friends, but rather, by a central computer, now taken over by an evil cult, called the "Randites". They were also the ones who got control over the Mani Mani statue, and were the driving force behind the appearance of Lavos. They want to do anything in their power to destroy the island."
My God, Tengu. This is beneath you. Why are you doing this? Why???
"But... if this is true, you mean the chosen four are not PC simulated?"

"No human on this island, including the chosen 4, are PC rendered, they are as flesh and blood as you are. I am also real, and to prove it, punch my tentacle." the starman said.
Make it stop. Make the pain stop.
Reluctantly, Darth punched the tentacle, and heard a loud rattle. It was enough proof.

"Well, then how do you know all of this, who are you?"

"I'm Starman Panguea... named after the large land mass the Earth once was. Unlike other Starmen, I've existed for over 200 years, so I'm smart enough to know to be good. I was created by Dr. Holland himself." the thing explained.

"Great, this is stunning, we must somehow explain this to everyone..." Darth said, wondering how to send PSI messages to everyone...

(If another AC is allowed, Panguea is my AC, if not, please just don't try and destroy him.)
So... let me make sure I have this right. If ACs are not allowed, this stupid "Panguea" is your AC. If they're not allowed... this stupid "Panguea" is your AC anyway. Yeah, that's shrewd.

I really, really wish I'd been there, so I could immediately kill off "Pangeua" just to piss Tengu Man off, and then point out "sorry bucko, but he ain't no AC." Then there would be post after post of Tengu reviving him and me killing him off until the forum exploded.
[This message has been edited by Tengu Maul (edited 05-03-2000).]

Post #783, by Gauntlet Wizard

Wow! Flight! Not even I can do that!" was as close as Siris really got to a congratulation.
"I don't think I'll be able to do it again anytime soon," Osman replied. "But I did get the melody of Magnet Hill."
"Alright!" Alan said. "So, like, which ones do we need now?"
It looks like Gauntlet's pretty much given up on getting any satisfaction out of the Gathering beyond bathing PSIOsman in sarcasm. Maybe later he can do Liyoshi too.

Post #784, by Mog116

(Forget it. You WERE putting words in his mouth. And you made me REALLY mad. besides, I like Tengu Maul's Idea better. Well, be killin' ya.(Not really, of course ))
This is the residue, we can only assume, of a pissy out-of-character fight between a few posters. These went on all the time, but you don't see many of them because usually after they were resolved the various comments were edited out.
The shadowy figure was Pika the White Mage. (He's a pikachu. Call him Pika.)
Yeah, I didn't think he'd wait long before going right ahead with it. It's going to be fun when PSI322 steps in--and she will, I promise you--and says no, one AC is the limit, period. Unlike Tengu and Falcon24, the likes of Mog116 aren't smart enough to nudge their way around the letter of the law.
Pika walked right past the stupid meeting house with the stupid hologram of the small, fake Eagleland.
Yeah, I can't agree more with that sentiment, really.
Pika knew that there was a whole REAL Eagleland outside the walls. Pika walked straightup the side of the barrier. Pika walked through the floor and landed next to Mog with a soft fump. [Hey Mog.] [Hey Pika.] (Mog'll talk with PSI now) [Zup?] [Lavos is threatening the island, we have to find the nine sanctuarys to beat him.] [Oh] Pika said. [What songs do you have?] [The Giygan Ship] [Let's go to Giant Steps. That's my favorite one.] [Ok. Uh... Pika... I can almost teleport, so could you...] Pika used PSI Teleport Gamma. Mog and Pika found themselves in Onett.

After some time of walking, they reached The TA.

-TA called for help-
-TAB joins the battle-
-TAA uses PSI Magnet Omega-
-Pika and Mog lost all Mp-
-Pika used blazing tackle-
-2675 damage to TAA-
-TAA returned to normal-
-TAB used PSI $#@%# Omega- (It's not a cussword)
Oh. I was worried it was. Thanks for clarifying.
-3245 damage to Mog-
-Mog fainted-

[That's why I'm a white Mage]

-Pika casted Pheonix-
-Mog was revitalized-
-TAB is attacking-
-Just missed-
-Mog uses PSI Float-
-Tab started floating-
-Pika unused Float-
-TAB fell to his doom-
Those are supposed to stand for "Titanic Ant A" and "Titanic Ant B", in case you were lost there.
[That was Kewl] Mog's sound stone absorbed the power of Lilliput Steps. Mog is five melodies away from ???

9Mog and Pika are on their own. On the way, the will meet noone, unless Foppy King wants to come back in...)
Not allowed to do that, Junior. If you want to write a fanfic, please allow me to be the first to invite you to do so and leave the rest of us the hell alone.

Post #785, by waffle

Waffle and Luna both crept through their own paths towards the shining spot at the top of the Fire Springs. Waffle had been walking for a little while then, so he decided to take a rest and call up Luna.
"Luna, ya there?"
"Yeah, i'm here. Find anything interesting?"
"Nope, not yet. Seems like i'm never gonna get to the sanctuary..."
"Heh, same here. Well, just keep on moving, and i'm sure you'll eventually get somewhere."
"Yeah, alright. Call back if you find anything."
"Kay, bai!"

Waffle got up again and continued walking through the tunnels. Whenever he encountered flames in his way he just set his laser gun to 'Water' element and shot them, causing them to disappear.
That sounds... boring. Can we speed this up?
After going through for sometime he finally climbed up a final ladder, leading to the shining spot. "Bout time..." he said to himself.

He was just about to step toward the doorway when he thought of something. "...Now I wonder where Luna is..."
Ahh, the wondering. The wondering. It eats you up inside, slowly consumes your soul like an unstoppable cancer. With every passing minute another little piece of you dies. Where are you, Luna? Where are you???

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