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18 November 2009

Posts #131-135: 15 April 2000

Post #131, by Mog116

(Yah... Just leave and what do ya get? another 40 replies)
This thing really is taking off. Just go back and note just how many posts were listed under 14 April 2000, and then consider that all of the writers were in school all day and most of the posting activity was in the 16:00-1:00 timeframe.
Mog watched as everyone started dancing then thought "Boy... Isn't every girl already out there?"
All three of them, yes. This can be an issue on the internet.
Mog grabbed about 60 peanut cheese bars, stufffed several in his duffel bag, and started chowing down. "Mine, I'm bored."
Reminds me of a funny story from the 1996 Pennsylvania state MathCounts finals, held at the Hampton Inn in Carlisle, PA. David Kenepp and I (14 at the time) shared a room, and the competition was sponsored by Tastycake (makers of Butterscotch Krimpets and other such deliciousosities), who had several tables stacked up with Tastycakes beside the hotel pool. David and I went down to the pool, swam around a bit, then beelined to the Tastycakes. We each brought an extra beach towel with us, and so we each took two towelfuls of various Tastycakes back to our room with us. Must have been about 40 packs of them. Each. And we at them all in one night.

In a related story, David (the team's star) bombed the competition the following morning. I easily recorded the highest score on the team, because I was legendary for my superhuman sugar tolerance.

Also, there was a girl from a small neighboring town--a pretty nice looking girl, by the way--who had tagged along with our school's team since she had qualified individually. She was at the pool the same time we were, but didn't know the way back to our rooms, so the teacher/chaperone asked David and I to take her back with us. "Yeah, sure," we said, and then ignored her and left her standing there, and went to load up on Tastycakes. When we were finally ready to go five minutes later, she was gone. Far be it from us to check on where she went. We shrugged and went back to our room to gorge on Tastycakes. I miss those days.

If you're out there, Erin from Bellwood... it wasn't personal. It was just priorities, you know.
Mog never learned how to dance, so he was kind of glad noone had asked him to dance.
Liar, liar, pants on fire!

Post #132, by Queen Catherine

I danced with Drew and has a good time.
I can has good time?
Matt (PsycoPyro) stops headbanging and goes over to me.
"What time does the talent show start?" He asked.
"I think it's at nine." I replied.
"What time is it now?"
"I dunno. My watch is at my hotel room. Why don't you go ask someone?"
He runs off somewhere and I resume dancing with Drew.
What exactly the hell was the point of that post?

Post #133, by SuperSpeedy/Mankey Boy
Wow. Back from the dead. It's about time we had some more GADGET SUGAR RUSH injected.
(Great. I'm gone for a few days, and about 100 replies pour in. And to note, the pokémon I rode wasn't Shock Bird, rather a robotic replica of it, and it only made a brief appearence. And If Pikachu can be in here, then so can my Porygon AC, Poryhedron!)
"Cool! waffle!" David said at the dance. "How things back at your town in our home state?"
"Okay," replied waffle.
They say that like being from New Jersey is something to be proud of.
"Hey, a Pikachu!" said David. The Pikachu went into hiding, but David grabbed it and gave it a hug.
[Aww, thanks!] said Pikachu.
"Whoa! It's psychic!" exclaimed David.
"Did some-one say a Psychic Pikachu?" exclaimed a Porygon. Everyone raised their weapons, ready to hit the Porygon, who disappeared and reappeared in a flash of 0's and 1's. "Sorry. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Poryhedron: experimental Porygon 0-1-6-4. I made my first I-F appearence in 'Gotta Stop 'em All -or- Death to You, Pikachu!'.
ROFL @ 'Death to You, Pikachu!' I remember that now that he mentions it. That partially explains 3164's persecution complex.
The hatred of pokemon at starmen.net back then was extreme. And I wholeheartedly approved, and approve, of it.

Also, SuperSpeedy, never one to pay much attention to the rules, is violating the one-AC-per-writer rule, for which I'm sure Chris or PSI will smack him down momentarily.
Every since David thought me up, I've excited inhislaptop and all of his digital devices, including the mechanical version of my partner, Shock Bird.
I assume he meant 'existed'. I don't even really want to think about the ramifications if 'excited' is actually what he meant.
Hop on, #3-1-6-4. I'll let you ride me. I can mystically fly using anti-gravity."
Pikachu said, [Well…]

Post #134, by Mog116

Mog runs off after Matt to tell him the time. Matt runs into the wall. "it's 7:35." "Oh" Mog walks back to the Snack table, pulls a very large cup out of his duffel bag, and pours the punch in it.
Baron von Awesome approves of that. I just took a swig of water from my signature 32-ounce stein.
*GLUG* Mog drunk the whole thing in one cartoony *GLUG* type thingy.
Writers take note: If you can't stretch your vocabulary far enough to capture the correct word ('gulp' or 'swig' in this case), you can always fall back on the old standby, 'type thingy'.
Mog walked back over and sat down. He pulled a CD player out with a "How to dance" CD in it, and thought "It's kinda Ironic. I'm a moogle that can't dance. Heck My name's even Mog! He's the dancing king."
Mog put the CD To dance and asked (Girl) to dance. (Note: any girls fine. as long as she wants to dance.)
Sorry to break it to you, bro, and I know that actually reading other people's posts before making another of your own is just so much, whatyacallit, work, but all the girls are now spoken for. Just as well you can't dance, eh?
[This message has been edited by Mog116 (edited 04-15-2000).]

Post #135, by NessJeff

(Mog, Matt needed to know the time, not me.)
I presume Mog116 originally said Drew in his above post, and then edited it after NessJeff posted this.


  1. Speedy... :D

    Man, he's been around since the beginning of IF it seems. I remember writing alongside him in several IFs, both in the old generation, and at least one other that most people don't know of. >.>

    However I do admit I had some trouble adjusting to him when he first popped up. He also seemed like he was in something of his own world and didn't read up on things.

    But eh, everyone changes over time and learns from their mistakes, right... right? >.>

  2. There was just a 9 year old kid in #earthbound last week that made an amazing nuisance of himself for about a week before the ops finally gave up and banned him, just to make his rampant insane stupidity stop.

    But you know... the problem was really that #earthbound is dead now, so that kid's incessant insanity was just totally dominating the channel. It turned out we idlers like to idle in peace. Back in the so-called 'good old days'... yeah. People like that were a dime a dozen, Speedy being a prime example. (brock128 being another.)


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