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29 November 2009

Posts #216-220: 17 April 2000

Post #216, by PsycoPyro

I contiued to talked with my gf over the Internet. I wished to use the phone to communicate with her, but where was a phone around?
Then, I heard a bang on my door.
((On AOL IMs))
****: Brb Julie
******: Alright.

I left the laptop and came to the door. It was Jenny and Mog standing at the doorway.
"Matt, we need to talk." Jenny said with deep seriousness in the tone of her voice.
I allowed them to come into my room. My room was trashed up, with clothes that were thrown onto chairs.
"Excuse the mess." I said sheepishly as I sat on the edge of my bed near the laptop. "So what's up?"
"My dad..." she started to say, "he's crazy. He told me that they're going to have the FBI come drag us home."
Other than the continuing FBI absurdity, this is actually not a bad start to a post. I'm sure PP/QC will stop letting us down soon and get back to unintentional comedy.
"But this island doesn't belong to the American Government. They can't drag evryone home. The choice was free will."
"Have you been watching the news lately?" Mog asked me as I picked up a TV remote and turned it on. I watched a news report on our disappearance and how the FBI will track us down like hounds.
Sure they will.
"This is a bunch of Bull." I growled.
Preach it, brother!
"Actually, I don't really care if they do drag me home or not! Besides, I want to see my gf that's back home whose waiting and crying over me."
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. You need me to buy you a plane ticket?
Jenny and Mog seemed stunned of my opinion.
"So you are going home?" Mog asked.
"Why don't you have your GF over here?"
"She's not a SM.Net member, nor does she even like EB! I doubt that I can drag her over here now since we have a crisis to deal with now! I hate the American Government!"
It hates you too.
"Fine Matt!" Jenny said angrily as she turned away. "You decided if you want to leave or not. I'm staying here."
"And leave all of your friends back home?" I asked her. "Would that be the right thing to do to leave them and never return even if you had a choice to?"
F--- yeah. Why do you think we're writing IF in the first place? To get away from those so-called 'friends'.
"I don't care. They all betrayed me and went on My EX's side. He converted them to their side. Why go back and face the pain again when I have a place when I don't have to feel that pain?"

I knew PP/QC would deliver the goods. I swear, I didn't even read that before I wrote the annotation immediately above it.
With that, Jenny stormed out of my room, with Mog following her.

Post #217, by Gauntlet Wizard

Meanwhile, Siris was waking up late again. It was already 9 AM (that's late for me) when Siris awoke in the hotel bed.
Nobody likes a braggart.

9 AM is late for me, too, in the sense that I usually don't go to bed for another hour or so after that.
Mac had shared a room with him that night and was already gone.
Good god, man. We do not want to hear about that.
Siris dressed in the same clothes he was wearing yesterday, and went into the hall. A man was waiting there.
"I'm here to read you today's headline! SM.net gathering continues today!"
That is a pretty funny EarthBound tradition, someone reading you a newspaper headline whenever you stay in a hotel. Who thought that up, and how? 'I'm not going to give you a newspaper... but I'll read the headline to you. No, you may not look at it!'
"Alright," Siris said. "I knew that."
Just then, Siris remembered something. "Holy smoke! The tide shield...!" Siris rushed to the beach. Fortunately, the tide hadn't come in too far...

Siris was extremely bored and decided to play Super Smash Bros. for a while...
Little bit of a stream of consciousness here.

Post #218, by Queen Catherine

After the talk with Matt, I angrily went back to my room and said good-night. I was angry at what Matt had said, but I didn't blame him for wanting to be with his girl. I went to bed and tried to sleep.

Then hours later, I awoke at 9 AM. It was time for my daily exercises and I dragged myself out of bed. I hanged the green Kimono up in the closet, and slipped on my running shoes, light-weight shors and a tanktop. Fpr a few minutes, I did some stretches in my room and left the hotel to run for a mile and a half around the island.
The island is probably more than 1.5 miles in circumference.
As I ran, I stopped and turned to burn some muscles at the beach. I clumsy ran on the sand. People wondered what the heck I was doing. Then at the corner of my eye, I spotted a dark grey speck that was far from Eagleland Island. The seemed to be a heavily-armed vessel of some sort...
PP/QC is beginning to agitate for some violence in every post, even dropping a hint two posts above that he's thinking about leaving the story if something doesn't happen soon.

Post #219, by PSI322

It was around this time that Juliana finally emerged from her hotel room. Though she had a habit of rising each morning at about six o'clock,
Braggart! Braggart!
Juliana had been upstairs in her room, awake, for a long time. After all, she was a poet,
Sheesh, it's yet another level in Braggart.*

* She actually was fairly skilled at writing poetry, in her defense.
and it seemed to her that poets always felt inspired to write poetry at the strangest times of day, somehow. She'd sat at the window for a long while with a spiral-bound notebook open in her lap and a pen in her hand, her favorite pen which wrote in periwinkle-colored ink.
Periwinkle... that's some kind of variation on light blue, right?
She watched the sunrise and captured it on the page.

It seemed like hours had passed when Juliana finally left her room and locked the door behind her. She glanced down at her watch. "Darn it, breakfast's over," she murmured, loosening the band on her wrist a little to make it more comfortable. "Oh well, I'll live." With that, she started down the hallway towards the elevator.
There are probably plenty of leftover peanut cheese bars.
Juliana stepped into the elevator a little apprehensively and watched the doors shut tight. She pressed the button labeled 'LOBBY' and felt the elevator start to take her down from the fourth floor, where her room was. She watched the numbers change as the elevator descended...third floor, second floor...one and three quarters, one and a half...one and a half...one and a half...

"Wait a second!" Juliana whispered aloud to herself. "This thing is stopped between the second and first floors...which means I'm trapped in the elevator...help!"
Or maybe it's just that the display gizmo is broken, and you've been standing on the ground floor the whole time. That's what I'd write if I posted after this.

This is a fairly inspired attempt by PSI to introduce some tension without introducing any violence; it was kind of a hobby back then to see how long one could drag out an IF thread before it dissolved into endless anarchy and warfare. Since I think 218 posts was already a record for any thread ever... yeah.

Then again, she could just be trapping herself in an elevator to keep Chris off her back for another ten seconds, hoping someone else jumps to her rescue before he does and pulls her into a different plotline. That would also be a savvy ploy.

Post #220, by PsycoPyro

I awoke that morning after I had slept. For the first time in a long time, I was able to sleep peacefully. I put on my Hawaiian shirt, my watch, and some baggy Jean before I left my room.
I went by next door to Jenny's. There was a sign on her door that read, "Off for a morning jog. I'll be back within an hour."
I glanced at my watch and it was 10 AM. I went over to the elevator and pushed the button. No noise was heard of it being operated. However, I heard a faint cry for help (I was on the 7th floor).
The elevator must be not working. I thought to myself. And someone's trapped.
"Who's trapped down there?!" I yelled at the top of my voice.
"I'm Juliana!" Someone shouted. "Known as 'PSI322'. I'm stuck!"
Actually, she's been quite specific, several times, that her AC is known only as 'Juliana'.
"Alright! Just hold on and I'll help get you out!"
I ran back to my room, equipped my dagger and my swiss army knife from my duffle bag and ran back to the elevator.
MacGyver was busy rigging up more generators.
I pryed the elevator door wth my fingers and climbed the ladder down to the elevator shaft. This was just like the terrorists movie I watched and I knew what to do.
Also, he stayed in a Holiday Inn Express the night before last.
Finally, I jumped off and landed on top of the elevator shaft. There was an emergency escape door from the ceiling of the elevator shaft.
Yeah, about those. They're mighty convenient in movies, which is one important reason why they don't exist in most modern real-life elevators.
Juliana seemed glad and I extended an arm to help her up to the top of the shaft.
Insert double-entendre here. Assuming Chris didn't beat you to it.
"Where are you headed?" I asked her.
"To the Lobby." She replied.
I instructed her to follow me and I pryed the elevator doo open that was on the second floor.
For bloody hell's sake, kid, slow down and use your fonix, would you?
"Let's takes the stairway and get a repair crew on the elevator." I said as I and Juliana went down the stairwell and into the lobby.
That was almost certainly not who PSI was hoping would come to her rescue. She'll be pining away for Chris again in no time.

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