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12 November 2011

Posts #841-845: 5 May 2000

Post #841, by Gauntlet Wizard

Siris, Alan, and Osman were sitting on a bench in Fourside, pondering their next move. All of a sudden a figure fell from the sky. It was Mog! He landed next to the bench and was pretty bruised up.
I don't know, I guess the insecure needy kids have to take care of each other.
Siris immediately dropped to the ground over Mog and uttered an incantation of healing. Immediately, white swirls of energy were emitted from Siris's hands and into Mog's body, healing him. Mog rose to his feet.
You know, just once I want to see someone take a shot at creating an RPG-type video game that doesn't include supernatural healing. I don't even know how conceptually you can pull that off, but I am disappointed no one better at game design than myself has ever given it a try.
"What are you doing here?" Osman asked.
"Lavos... and... uh..." Mog tried to reply, but was still pretty weak.
"Oh well," Siris said. "You can come with us if you want, I guess."
(You don't mind, do you, Osman or Alan?)
As usual, I don't expect SaturnAl will reappear until the rest of his team gives up and forgets about him.

Post #842, by Pikachu3164
Oh $DEITY, it's the Emo Kid Bat Signal. Dammit, Mog.
Pikachu all of a sudden had a grave feeling. Even though he was in a forest in Magicant, he knew someone was in grave danger... Mog!
If only we'd thought to shove somebody's neck under a guillotine so that person would have been in even greater danger than Mog and therefore 3164 would have noticed him instead, we could have averted this.
Even though he was saved by Siris, he didn't know if people really cared for him. So, he decided to let Mog know that people did care.
Pikachu prayed with all his heart!
The Gathering is turning into a Lifetime Special now.
All of a sudden, Mog got the feeling that people cared about him.

And Mog was happy.
This would be a brilliantly hilarious post if you forgot 3164 was writing it and pretended it was all sarcasm.
[This message has been edited by Pikachu3164 (edited 05-09-2000).]

Post #843, by Mog116

(Yeah thanks. Oh. My head is killing me. I just fell down some stairs. Pikachu,Siris healed me. Even though, I'm pulling Mog outta this for a while.)
Is this where I say thanks, or is it more polite to send a card?
Mog got up. (I'm am so sick of saying Mog all the time.)
This is apparently an effort at transferring his AC making friends, however tenuously, in the Gathering to actually making real life (if only internet) friends. It kind of hurts to read. This kid was lonely. 
He looked at Siris, Osman, and Alan. Then he almost fainted. Even though Siris healed him, he could barely hear out of his left ear, couldn't think straight, and had big bruises all over. About 12 of his teeth were missing, and his tongue was bleeding. [oof. Where's the hopsalit?]
If you ever wondered just what the hell goes on inside the head of a kid that cuts himself for attention... now you know. 
"What's a 'hopsalit'" [A hopsalit. I's where eople go to et eeled] "Dude! I think he means Like, hospital."
It's loid's best effort at spelling 'hospital', I'm pretty sure.
After They got Mog to the hospital, Mog fell unconcious.

[[Mog's Dream]]

[What?] [Where amI] ]You are in Magicant[ [I thought I couldn't go there again.] ]It's Not yours. It is...]

(Noone fill in the blank. I need to know if I can switch ACs. Y'know, pull out Mog, and put in Someone else. I might not want to though)
I think he's just bitter at Tengu Man and lashing out at Tengu Man's AC-controlling tendencies.

Post #844, by pogopunk

[my ac is basically my real life me, i have no idea what has been going on and i'm lost in the if..oi!]
That's an adequate description of everyone in this story. Well, except Tengu Man, whose AC is a dream-projection device and who knows exactly what's going on in the IF. At least the part of it he cares about.
dazed, and horribly baffled, pogopunk awoke to the sound of the crashing waves, the surf tickling his feet. he sat up, feeling disoriented, and having no recollection of anything that happened before.
Well, this is a first: Someone trying to provide an in-character justification for not reading any of the last two hundred posts. It appears pogopunk made a conscious "f*** it" decision and is now going to reboot the whole thing.

By the way, after a brief lull where it got down to 20 posts a day or so, the Gathering is back to roaring along at a post every 10-15 minutes for hours on end. As you've surely noticed if you've been paying attention to the datestamps I put in the post titles.
the one thing he did know, was that he was hungry, and he lumbered over to get some food. snacking on some braised boa over minced baby leeks, he gazed out at the beach front, staring at the horizon.
That was a tremendous EarthBound reference. He even got the phrase exactly right, straight down to the spelling.
he suddenly had the sudden need to visit a place called "lumine hall" where he somehow knew that everything would come together there.
And he got Lumine Hall right too! Give that man a cigar!

Post #850, by Traceh

Tracy looked up from the mezmorizing sand. "Hey! Boats!" she exclaimed as she sprinted towards the docks.

"Wait! Hold on just one second there. How do you expect to pay?" guru asked with a look of doubt.
Pay? Why in the world would an AC pay for anything? Infinite money--talk about a boring way to manifest AC God Mode. But brief and to the point. You have to give it that.
She dug into her backback searching for the answer to the situation at hand. "No problemo, I got it covered...I think." Tracy fond it and her eyes lit up. She yanked it out. "THIS, that I have here in my hand, is a spork. Not just any spork, but a monument to inefficiency! The prongs are too long to be a good spoon, yet too short to be a good fork!(heheh)Im sure we can trade this puppy for a boat trip."
Sporks were an inside joke between Traceh and guruzeth. She wrote that knowing no one but guruzeth would get it. Of course I know that because I was there and I remember it.
Makes me wonder how many of the bizarre things I make fun of now were actually inside jokes that I was never in on.
"Wow," guru shrugged,"that really is a wonder. Letts try it out."
I feel like if they don't figure out a way to make Traceh's spork the Artifact of Doom around which the whole story ends up revolving, they have failed.
Sandles scuffing on the wood of the dock, they made their way towards the short, bearded man overseeing the boats who proceded to ramble on about his wife.
Traceh's sandles. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing the things. 
After a bit of sweet-talking by guruzeth (needed after a fatal attempt at 'brute force' on the old man) they were able to get a spot on a small rickity ship.
This sentence is hilarious on so many levels. Here, I have a few minutes so I'll list a few of them. See how many more you can spot!
1. guruzeth was always very fond of brute force as the solution to all problems. ("If brute force doesn't solve your problem," he said often, "you're not using enough." And as you know if you were ever around the forums or #earthbound back then, he meant it. But the notion he would fail at brute force and then succeed at sweet talking is pretty LOL.
2. If guruzeth's attempt at brute force was fatal, as Traceh asserts, that means either guruzeth or the old man in question is dead. And guruzeth is an AC; Q.E.D., the old man guruzeth is sweet-talking is now a corpse. Which leaves them free to help themselves to the boat, so brute force wins again! Of course they know how to sail a boat that usually requires a crew of eight with just the two of them. They're ACs.
3. Traceh is the first writer to go out of her way to put her AC on a "small rickety ship", rather than a battleship or luxury cruise liner, when given a chance.
They climbed aboard. Tracy noticed the bearded man had a strange look in his eye but thought nothing of it. "This isnt a flippin` horror movie so calm down!" she thought to herself.
Yeah, that's never going to come up again. 
"I really hope this little boat is stable enough to get us there," said guru.
Which naturally means it is not. Shipwreck in 3..2..1...
Tracy pulled out a small bottle of purified water and gulped it down without hesitation. "Excuse me, where can we find a map, sir?" she asked the captain.

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