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21 November 2011

Posts #936-940: 9-10 May 2000

Post #936, by t0nberry22

Ton woke up. He was lying next to Fire Springs. At the same time, Dark Ton woke up. Ton and Dark Ton looked at each other.
"Nooo! You escaped!"
"Yes! Now I'm free to wreck havoc!"
"No! You can't!"
"Yes I can! I'm a different person now! Smell ya later, Ton!"
t0nberry22 has now officially joined the growing ranks of posters in open violation of the one AC rule. Some flexibility was allowed with the defeating-evil-side-in-Magicant plot, but t0nberry is now outside of that.
DT suddenly created a dark portal and jumped in. "Nooo!" said Ton. "He got away! Hmmm... but I seem to have gotten some PSI since I entered Magicant." Ton started sending a Telepathic message. [Everyone! Be on the lookout for a Tonberry with a dark lantern! He's my evil side, and may try to get power from Lavos!]
Poor fool. Queen Zeal learned long ago that Lavos does not share power.

Post #937, by SirMontyG

~Meanwhile, back in Sir's Mind~

"Hey, I wonder if I can change the music in here.." Sir consintrated and the music in magicant changed back to an uptempo version of Take 5 "Great, I can really think when that song's going..okay, gonna need some armorment, what to use...a gundam? sayjin suit? Lazy shell? naw..let's just go with..this! Sir then was in a James Bondlike Tux, equiped with the watch, explosives, radar, and something rather un-bondish: a double barrled shotgun. "Wow, I've gotta go into my subconcious more often, this is grea.."
Contrary to what Major Asshole is happily indulging in, I don't think Magicant is in any way like a lucid dream. You don't get to control the world around you like you were The One.
*POW!!* *Chinkchi*

"Hey, Sir! remember Dark Link? Well, I go one better and get whatever you equip! Nya!" The tuxed madman ducked behind a corner.

Sir then realized where he was: The facility of Goldeneye.
License/Pistols in either the Facility or the Basement is the pinnacle of multiplayer gameplay. It has never been topped, and it will never be topped. Major Asshole has good taste.
"Heh, I'm such a geek. I could pick anywhere I could think of to battle and I pick a level of a video game, but only with real smooth texturing, stunning 3 dimensional realisum, so real.."*drooool*


"Oh, right, the evil.." Sir hid out in the upstairs bathroom, stocking up on ammo and prepairing an assult.

"Hmm, I could really use an RCP-90, but as soon as I'd get it, so would the evil guy, so I think I'd better stick with the shotgun...wait, what's that..oh NO!!"

Sir recognized the encantment, but seeming a little darker than normal. The encantment was heard coming from the ventilation shaft and Sir knew in an instant it was directed towards him. But the odd thing was, it wasn't his own voice saying it, but one that struck fear into the core of Sir's soul.

"Everyone's Grudge"
I know it's not really here or there, but "Everyone's Grudge" is the stupidest name for what's supposed to be a powerful attack I have ever heard. (The best, also seen in Final Fantasy VII, is "Doom of the Living".)
It was Dark Ton.

"WHAT THE.." *SMASH* the dark lantern threw Sir into the adjecent stall, knocking him down with major damage. With one more hit, Sir would never return to the spa.
Well, he should have saved.
"Bite lead!" Sir fired round after round at the odd creature, but showed no pain from the shots. "So it was you who I heard on the island! I knew there was a Tonberry here!!"

"Not quite, Sir. I'm Dark Ton, Tonberry's evil counterpart who escaped Ton's magicant."
I'm hoping to soon find a reason why Dark Ton explaining who he is to a guy who is, at that precise moment, trying to pump Dark Ton's guts full of lead.
"But what do you want with me?"

"Hey, I'm on an evil rampage. You were the first person I saw."
Excellent answer.
"But I'm in my mind!!"

"I'm an evil entity, I'm not bound to the physical plain like you.
What about physical hills, or physical tundra?
Well, there's plenty more destruction to do, so shall we?"

"KNIF.." *Klakakakakacat!* "Ouch, what the?" Dark Ton turned to see Evil Sir, equiped with a RCP-90, no less. Sir looked down, he held one too. Aperantly he could control wepons as well.
The problem with totally sweet weapons like the RCP-90 is that, the more effective a weapon gets, the less significant the distinction in skill level wielding it becomes. Hand-to-hand, an untrained person has no prayer against a blackbelt. But any random schmuck that happens to get his hands on a nuclear bomb can carry it into Central Park and vaporize five or six million people.
This is why License/Pistols is the purest form of Goldeneye.
"This is my fight, star-spinning-berry-thingy. So get out of here!" "KLAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA!!" Dark Ton took major damage! "Alright, I've had enough. There are easier targets on the horizon with bigger rewards.." And Dark Ton sprung out of the facility.

"But, why?" Sir stared in amazement

"Hey, I'm the evil part of YOU. Your evil side would rather do it himself." *Chichink* Evil Sir aimed his 90 at sir's forehead
Yet again, Dark Major Asshole makes a good point.
(tOnberry, if you don't want Dark Ton here, just give the word and I'll edit this message)
The message was never edited, so we must conclude t0nberry never objected.

Post #938, by Anthadd

Avoiding breathing nasally, Anthadd made his way towards the second Tenda Village, the horrible scent of Tendakraut essentially expelling any and all enemies from a five-foot radius.
Tendakraut didn't do that for Team Ness. Are you sure it's the Tendakraut producing an odor so bad dinosaurs won't approach?
Also, a five-foot radius would not prevent a Chomposaur from deep frying your ass with PSI Fire. Just saying.
Walking up to the cage, he discovered it open, and tossed the Tendakraut away.
A Tenda jumped out, grabbed it, got back in and closed the cage just before Anthadd got in.
"Joy. More unluck. As if I needed more."
"Sorry, you need Tendakraut to get in."
"But that was MY Tendakraut!"
"No, it's ours."
Anthadd, seeing the stubbornness, decided to sing a song -- horribly.
The Tendas let him in just to shut him up.
I think he wants us to interpret that to mean he's capable of singing well, but sang horribly on purpose to damage their ears. But a moderately talented singer trying to sing badly can never sing anywhere near as painfully badly as a bad singer. To wit:
[SLing] being banned by guru is like hearing one of my early songs
[Skulryk] it's painful, and it just never seems to end

Post #939, by t0nberry22

(Sir, that was good, even though Dark Ton is on the physical plane, I suppose he could do that. Nice one.)
Presumably he's happy someone noticed his post. Also he's now dancing on the gray area of the one AC rule. It's not an AC if everyone can control it (as long as, like any other NPC, any poster that wants to can change its alignment, kill it, etc.) But it IS an AC if people have to ask, as Major Asshole did, for permission to do such things.

In the end it is likely the Dark Ton gimmick won't last and no one will really care.

Post #940, by murkkie

(what town are we heading for?).
This is the third time, in five total posts, murkkie has asked other posters to tell him what's going on, to avoid doing the work of reading the thread himself. He absolutely should have been banned from the thread at this point. Especially since this does NOT predate private messaging.

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