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24 November 2011

Posts #971-975: 12-13 May 2000

Post #971, by Pikachu3164

[Well, first off, seeing as Tim's sitting right behind you, I don't think finding him will be a proble.]

Kiyo swung around very quickly and saw Tim. "Huh? Didn't you go to get help?"

"I was going too, but the entire ordeal went by saw quickly, by the time I took 5 steps, you were normal again."
Although Liyoshi would likely insist on giving credit to his True Form Shield or something.

[And, I don't know if you'd particularly like this, but I could trap you in a PSI Box or something when nightfalls and hope Randite doesn't escape. Or I could Teleport you to the Deep Darkness for the night... Wait! The only melody I don't have is Rainy Circle! And Andonuts Labs is right there! Maybe Dr. Andonuts can make some invention to hold Randite when night comes, while we go get the last melody! What do you say...?]
These guys must like loid as much as I do, to go to such lengths to keep him around when the obvious thing to do is kill him.
"I don't know.... I don't like the idea of a box, Deep Darkness is just gross, and what could possibly hold a Randite?"

[I dunno. I just want that melody. Maybe all the melodies could destroy Randite.]
I guess 3164's just brainstorming and hoping one of his ideas strikes somebody else as cool. But if he lacks the conviction to think his own idea is cool, why should anyone else think it is?
[This message has been edited by Pikachu3164 (edited 05-12-2000).]

Post #972, by Mog116

(PikaChan, are both those ACs yours? Only ONE AC aloud. If they aren't, sorry.
Wait, what? With all the crap SS/MB is pulling you're calling out PikaChan for violating the one AC rule? Why the hell?
[We gotta get back to the Hotel!!]"I know that. You have wings. Can't you fly?" [Can't fly until I'm 28. I've got it!] [PSI Float!] Mog cast PSI Float on them and the flew out. "You have PSI! Why didn't you teleport?" [I was hoping to see some Criminal Caterpillars...] "Well, Teleport!" Mog and ANdrew teleported to the Hotel.
There's no way to know who the hell Mog is talking to until he mentions Andrew (murkkie, I think?) at the very end of the post.

Post #973, by SirMontyG

Sir waited out on the couch of the lobby. He had been sitting there for hours now.
"man, will anyone show up?"
I think Major Asshole is used to this eventuality by now and knows just what to do.
Just then, two figures could be seen floating in..

"Hey! Great to see someone show up! But I've heard that Anthadd's in trouble, and I've got a problem. Should we wait for more people to show, or should we enlist Anthadd's help after helping him out first?"
I forgot what they need Anthadd's help for, to tell you the truth.
And with that Mog said.....

Post #974, by Little Yoshi

(Sorry to object to your posts, guys, but I'm not about to "run for help" when one of my best friends is being killed right in front of me. Also, in case you need to know, I'm obsessed with healing and defense, and with such a low offense, my max MP have risen. I'll take care of any wounds.
Yeah, we're soooooo surprised Liyoshi is going on a bitchy fit. 
Also, did we beat Plague Rat of Doom?I don't think that he'd just give us the melody... I'm going to assume we haven't gotten the melody, therefore I'll have our group, Pikachu, Nathan, Shock Bird, Kiyo, and Tim[is that group right?] go fight the Plague Rat of Doom)
He bitches and whines every single time anyone else causes his AC to do anything at all, and bosses his "friends" around. And he can't figure out why nobody likes him. Total lack of self-awareness really runs in that family.
"Well, now that that's over with, let's get moving!" Tim said. They fought a few minor fights, but Tim's allies easily handled them with their physical attacks(remember, my offense went WAY down after defeating my dark side).
But your Insufferable Nuisance Index went way up. And I didn't even think that was possible.
They turned a corner, and met a golden flash.They were all stunned for a moment, but looked around the cporner to see what caused the flash. When they peeked, there was an immense blue flash, and they were flung up against the wall.
"I didn't know that the Plague Rat of Doom controled Ice," Nathan mumbled, getting to his feet(the blue flash was a severe Ice blow)
This writing is so bad I'm cringing in pain. On so many levels it's hard to unravel them, but let's give it a shot.
1. It's annoying and nonsensical for an established villain to suddenly show up with a new attack and no reason at all to be offered for it. Especially when we all know said villain is doomed and it will make no difference.
2. The narrative itself is where you explain things, not in parenthetical comments. Don't treat your reader like an idiot if you want to have readers. (There are myriad good reasons why Liyoshi does not have readers.)
3. Quit writing to masturbate. Other people trying to participate (this is interactive, remember?) hate it, since you're getting off at their expense.
There's more, but I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to tease it out.
Pikachu noticed that Shock Bird wasn't awake yet, probably because Flying Pokemon are weak to Ice,Pikachu thought.
That is going to piss 3164 off so much. It seems like this entire plotline is dissolving into infighting.
Kiyo got back on his feet, preparing to cast a powerful spell, only to be knocked out by another blue flash. This time, however, Pikachu and Nathan were K.O.ed too. (I'm not saying that I'm super strong and that you guys are all puny, I'm still up, because I absorb Ice attacks) Tim walked forward, and saw the figure. It was Evil Mani Mani.
If these guys respond to this in any way other than punching him in the face and kicking him out of their plotline for good, they are spineless bitches. In fact, guruzeth is a spineless bitch for not banning him from the thread. This is the most pissed off I've been reading the Gathering yet. Liyoshi is a colossal asshole and a selfish prick and it makes my mind reel to think that anyone would tolerate his presence. (This being the internet in 2011, in before "lol assburgers".)
"So we meet again, Tim," Evil Mani Mani said.
Yeah. Just in case you thought I was being too harsh on him.
Tim took a moment to whip out a weird device that played musc, and switched it to Magus's theme.
"I see you're with a group. A little yella rat, a frozen bird, a human under our control sometimes, and another human that..." Evil mani Mani couldn't think of an insult.
"Anyways, my mission is now to annihlate all party people from this isle, then to take over the world. How's that sound? Bwa ha ha!" Evil Mani Mani shouted, running in for the kill on Tim's uncounsious friends.
"NOOOOOO!!" Tim shouted, and ran up to Evil Mani Mani and teleported them both out of the sewer, just before he Evil Mani Mani struck Nathan.

"Is it just me, or are these sewers getting unbearibly cold?" Nathan said, shivering from the repeated ice attacks
"Nathan, maybe it is just you, but don't you remember those Ice attacks from that Golden Statue?...!I mean,-" Kiyo started.
"Evil Mani Mani!" The four said, all awake now.
[Hey, where's Tim?] Pikachu asked.
Because damn, I wanted to kill that asshole with my bare hands.
"Hmmm, he WAS here just a second ago..." Kiyo said.
"Remember? He absorbs Ice! He wasn't knocked out by Evil Mani Mani's attacks!" Nathan remember.
[Then where is he?] Shock Bird asked.
[Here's a note, let's read it,]Pikachu said, and read the note using PSI
(Pikachu reading note)[Gone to fight Evil Mani Mani. Be back soon. your friend, Tim, the Yoshi-obsessed guy]
"Well, let's go ahead and beat The Plague Rat of Doom, then find Tim!" Nathan said. they started walking forward, until someone teleported in front of them.

It was Tim, who was in bad shape.
"I-I *pant* sealed him temporarily in a po-*wheeze*portal, but he'll be back. Those R-Randites are very strong," Tim said.

(If you need me to edit this post, just tell me, and I will!)
I need you to go away and never pollute the internet with your selfish prick rantings again. Can you do that?

Post #975, by Carbon Dog

this place is preaty liveley!
It's a good guess that this guy was preaty drunk when he wrote this.


  1. Wow, and I figured I was one of your most hated people during the course of the IF itself. @_@

    I suppose I really didn't take liberty to remember what a lot of these other guys wrote about back in the day. I'm not sure if I'd have gotten all mega-ragefest on Lil' Yoshi like you said we should've of, if I had been paying attention. I somehow expect I would've had the potential to do such a thing back then. :P

  2. Obviously I never read anything Liyoshi wrote at the time. I was too busy writing my own stuff and trying to figure out how to thwart you. It comes as a genuine shock to me now just what a prick Liyoshi was; I just remember him as a J. Random Overexuberant Kiddie.


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