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07 December 2009

Posts #286-290: 18 April 2000

Post #286, by Mog116

Mog walked into the burger shop. A Booka hit him in the face. "I hate Bookas!"
Why u h8 :(
Mog held up his hand. A beam shot out of his hand. Mog beat it and got a Royal Iced Tea.
I would like to nominate 'Mog beat it and got a Royal Iced Tea' for Double-Entendre of the Gathering.
Mog leaned PK Beam.
Just a few more levels and you'll learn the crucial PK I Win Omega, known to most ACs.
He walked outside. All he wanted was a drink, and he got that. "Hi bystander." Mog said to the guy by the shop. "I have an Idea!" Jenny said.
Oh. Jenny's still around? I had almost forgotten about her, dammit.
"What is it?" The ref asked. "We split up. We cansearch every area." "In groups of two."
Mog added. "So we split up."
I'm pretty sure the other writers are not going to assign you executive privilege to make these kinds of decisions.
The ref said, "I Pick..."
Post #287, by Tengu Man/Makron

".. Mani to come along."

It's remarkable that Tengu accepted Mog's pairing up idea, but then, that works perfectly for Tengu, who would probably like nothing more than to abscond with Mani Mani and then jump in at an opportune time to hijack someone else's plotline.
Mani looked at him uneasily, wondering if she should go along...
You're damn skippy she's uneasy about running off with him. Any carbon based lifeform should be.
(Mani, your choice)

Post #288, by loid
Believe it or not, I think loid is here to stay, at least for a while. Which is wonderful, because the Psychotically Hyper 10-Year-Old Factor had been dipping pretty low lately.
Meahnwhile, Kiyo (better known as Loid) had gotten back from LA

"woah, 71034 messages, and all from the syndacate. I gotta go to this gathering!"
Actually, after the 10th failed attempt, the Syndicate prints out the message on a sheet of paper, wraps it around a bullet, and plants it inside your skull.
- 3 hours later -

"Chris!" julina shouted "someone sent you mail chris!"
Other than various baby-naming sites, this is the first result when you search for 'Julina' on google.

It must warm Chris's heart that loid so closely associates him with Juliana.
"Let me see, hey its from Kiyo(Loid)!"
How do you pronounce that? 'Kiyo-Loid'? I think I favor 'Kiyo-open-paren-Loid-close-paren!'
as he opened it, a thin white gas rose from the empty envolope.

This is why Syndicate members who know what they're doing hire people like loid to open their letters.
The white smoke then formed into a person who turned out to be Kiyo holding his dog Snowmist.
loid is way too busy to slow down for commas. Commas are for losers.
"Hi guys!" I said "Has the party started yet?"
Actually, the party is pretty much over now. For good.
"H... How did you do that?!"

"Uh I'll explain later. I gotta rest, those postmarking machines hurt!"
So then finaly in this IF, I set up a tent on the beach only to learn there was a hotel there anyway.
PSI322's gone AWOL again, I notice. Probably doesn't know what to do about Chris. Now loid has gone and placed her in his vicinity on the beach anyway. It will be interesting to see whether she gets the next post in and ignores it before Chris gets there and runs with it, forcing her to pull off another patented 'Juliana excused herself because she needed time alone to think' gambit.

Actually, given Chris's current mood, I'm not sure Chris won't post first and ignore it, so he can continue sulking. But after his last post I assume he's trying to wait for PSI322 to make the next move.

Post #189, by Mog116

"And I pick..." Mog looked back and forth at all the ACs. "Either Pikachu or Jenny, Whichever want to come with me."
A lot of these kids just cannot make any decision more complicated than what to have for breakfast. It's a major symptom of nonexistent self-esteem.
(Jenny and Pikachu's choice only)
Honestly, I think I'd rather have 3164's company than Jenny's. Yelling at him to shut up and go cut himself would be more entertaining than anything I can think of involving Jenny.

Post #190, by Queen Catherine

"I'll hang with you, Mog." I volunteered.
He smiled. "Alright then. Let's go.
Mog and I went our separate ways as ref and (maybe Mani) went the other.

'Went our separate ways' means you split up. What you're actually doing is splitting from everyone else and going someplace together.

This strikes me as strong evidence that PP/QC is the same person: Were they different people, it's likely they would insist on pairing up with each other.

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