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11 December 2009

Posts #306-310: 18-19 April 2000

Post #306, by Anthadd

"Why do I always seem to go back into my room?" Anthadd asked himself. "Yes, I do know I'm a bookworm, but this is ridculous."
Holy crap, guys! Anthadd made a typo!!!!!!
He made up his mind to spend at least two hours out on the beach. He was tempted to take a book along, but smartly changed his mind.
Anthadd ran out the door without even thinking about it.
Don't tire yourself out so early in your epic journey to the beach, man. I was hoping you'd conserve enough energy for the riveting sequel, Anthadd sets up an umbrella and a beach chair.
Now on the beach, Juliana was perusing the night sky, brightly twinkling with the southern constellation Piscis Austrinis.
Anthadd is smarter than you. In fact, when Anthadd was 12, he was smarter than you will ever be in your life. Just deal with it.
The dance still weighed heavily in her mind, but she knew it had passed, and the chance of another happening was rare.
Calling a chance 'rare' is nonsensical ('small' is what he means), but his point definitely stands. 'Infinitesimal' is the word that comes to this annotator's mind.
She sat down and stared at the moon. It was full, and at the midway point of its travel across the sky.
Yuck, passive voice. How about: '...at the moon, full and at the midway point...' Sorry, I just have a thing about passive voice. I always want to kill it with fire.
The sound of shoes gently shifting the sand alerted her to a visitor.

Anthadd sat down a little further down the beach and tried to identify the constellations.
You didn't think he'd do a crazy thing like actually approach Juliana, did you?

Post #307, by loid
Boy, an Anthadd post followed by a loid post. Talk about a culture shock.
It seemed like everybody had something on their mind, particularly juliana.
ROFL. He means that Juliana particularly had lots on her mind; but the way he wrote it sounds like he's saying 'everyone had something on their mind; mostly they had Juliana on their mind'. Which is in at least some cases perfectly accurate.
Kiyo (thats me, you betta recognize.) not being able to get a hotel room on this late notice with the gathering in town. He rather liked the tent though, he had a campfire set up and was roasting marshmallows. All of his freinds however had gone to find twonson without telling him. 32 roasted marshmallows later he fell asleep.
My brain is reeling. Help.

I don't even know where to begin with this grotesque butchering of the English language. Let's just move on.
The next morining the island looked deserted. The only one there besides him was Juliana and anthadd who were sitting at the beach.
That's right: they stayed up all night, 20 yards apart, staring at the stars or whatever and conspicuously avoiding noticing one another.
"Hey, do you know where everyone went?" he asked.
"I think they all went to twonson." she replied.
He did it twice!
"WHAT? Im the last to hear about the gathering, last to hear about the hotel and now all these people discover a real life twonson? I gott go."
He did it three times!! He really thinks it's spelled 'twonson'.

Really, these days I totally favor just banning anyone who plainly can't write in English from any internet forum I'm running. A bit draconian, but it'll really prevent a lot of problems down the road.
And with that kiyo got his backpack, tent, sleepingbag, dog, food and everything and journeyed to twonson.
Can we just agree that I'm going to mostly skip annotating loid posts? It's not like anything interesting happens in them anyway, and my brain's going to explode from all the gramers.
[This message has been edited by loid (edited 04-18-2000).]

Post #308, by SirMontyG

"I hate when this happens.." Sir mumbled to himself, kicking a rock down the dusty highway in the middle of the night. "I can't belive Mog, Ref, Mani, and Pika just ditched me like that! I was just walking along, they split up, and they just forget me!"
Sulking is not the way to work your way into the cliques. How many kids do I have to explain this to? And if you think cliques end at high school, you are tragically mistaken.
Not seeing where he's going, Sir runs into an odd creature.
"Oh ho! I see you haven't met the moles before! So now face my bronze wrath! Ah, the power of being thi..."
I chuckled at 'bronze wrath'.
"Aww, pipe it." Sir sent the cave dweller sailing through the air with a right cross-uppercut.
It's got a power shield, you know. So your fist should have ended up colliding violently into your own skull on the backswing.
"Well, maybe I'll run into someone, or something.."
Don't bet on it. No one wants to hang out with a sulker, except maybe another sulker. But then only if he decides he doesn't prefer to sulk by himself.

Post #309, by Foppy King

The Foppy king lie in his room, bored as heck. He calls room service and asks for a mint. A few minutes later a worker brought him his mint. This cycle went on for about three hours.
After about the third request, you should think twice about eating the 'mint' you get, because those workers are going to be royally irritated.
Eventualy he grew tired of mints. Finnaly he resolved to destroy this boring island...
Yeah. Good luck with that.

Post #310, by Chris

The morning of the third day found Chris sitting on his rock again.
Emo alert! Emo alert! Somebody call the Angstbusters!
After sitting in the amusmant park for a while, he had decided to return to the hotel and sleep. He awoke an hour or two before dawn,
Yeah, because it's so commonplace to wake up an hour before dawn.

(EDIT: I just went back and noticed this was posted at 5:22 AM. Which means Chris really did get up an hour before dawn, probably because he really was so occupied with thinking about PSI that he couldn't sleep.)
and, seeing as how he couldn't get back to sleep, he went back onto his rock.
No, seriously, it's his rock. On the second day he posted a sign staking his claim to it. Sit on it and die.
There he had been, thinking on what to do for the past few hours.

"I always manage to mess up right about now," he thought.
Yes. Yes, you do. That is a prescient thought.

If you now proceed to, 'wait a minute--I've messed up again! Dammit! What am I doing?', then you will have gained enlightenment.
He was referring to how he always managed to mess up some important event in his life just when the result he wanted was within his grasp.
Aw, c'mon, man. You got your dance with her on day one. What exactly was the result you wanted, that a day and a half later you're sulking over messing it up? Getting laid by the end of day 2? Obtaining Juliana's undying devotion until the end of time by day 3? All of the above?

Seriously, he's emo-ing out because he can. You can get Juliana to like you without smothering her. For reals. Try it. It's not like you're up against stellar competition here.
He still couldn't decide whether he would stay on the island, or go home. And he still couldn't make up his mind about what might have happened between him and Juliana.
Yeah, because since she isn't right there making out with you right now, one day after the dance, OBVIOUSLY THIS MEANS SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU AND HAS REJECTED YOU FOREVER. This is especially bad because SHE IS THE ONLY WOMAN ON THE PLANET. There is nothing left to do now but pine away about what might have been until you die alone in your old age.
As he sat there, staring across the ocean, he wondered whether or not he ought to talk to Juliana. He hadn't but caught a glimpse or two of her since the night of the dance. Oh, how he had enjoyed that evening! Not just with Juliana, but with everyone, being able to live with such great people.
Let's pause for a moment and try to gain some perspective here.

Remember, this is the Interactive Fiction forum. Any random schmuck that happens by can read it. This is also the most successful thread in this website's history, which means dozens of particular schmucks, schmucks Chris and Juliana know, will be reading it, and have been reading it. Hell, a schmuck is reading it nine-plus years later and making wiseass comments about it.

Chris knows this. And he's writing all of this stuff for everyone to see, and it's completely obvious there's nothing fictional about it at all. In the most direct way we've seen from him yet, in this post, he's coming right out and announcing his super-crush on PSI322--publicly--and practically pleading with her--publicly--to return his feelings.

(In Chris's defense--yes, I do say nice things about him now and then--pretty much everyone at starmen.net, including this annotator, had a super-crush on PSI322. Chris, pretty much alone, actually came forward and did something about it. He was woefully bad at it, but at least he took his shot.)

Chris: Even if she did like you--which, I happen to know, she did, a little, at one point--applying this kind of pressure is not, in the long run, going to produce a good result, ever. Making people uncomfortable is not the way to endear yourself to them.

In IF as in the real world, the best way to endear yourself to that special gal is to go out and do something interesting, and invite her along, and if she declines, shrug it off and do something interesting anyway.
He recalled that someone; yes, it was her, had written that friendship was the greatest thing a person could learn from the site.
Hey, that's what Buzz-Buzz always said, too!
Finally, Chris understood. These people were his friends, and they cared about him. More than that, though, he felt a strange sensation. He had felt it a few times before, but, he never knew how to express it.
Teenagers always think their overpowering drive to procreate is real, true, time-space-bending looooove. I did, too, when I was a teenager. If I may wax corny for a second--I won't make a habit of it, promise--love isn't a feeling or an emotion. It's regarding someone else's wants and needs as more important than your own, consistently. This is not the case with the vast majority of teenagers (it certainly wasn't for me, sorry to admit).
Finally, he stood up from his rock, and looked back towards the island. Most of the people were off in the inland portion of the island, exploring the land. Chris knew, though, that a few people, including Juliana, were still here. Perhaps he could find something to do with them. Seeing as how it was still just after sunrise, Chris figured he might be able to find Juliana and talk to her. Yes, he thought, that's it. I want to talk to someone.
Juliana just happens to be the closest person by. He would have talked to anyone. Honest.

It should be said again: That PSI's AC is still here shows her willingness to e-hang out with Chris. But he's really pushing into creepy stalker territory here. He needs to cool it down.
Chris walked into the hotel lobby, grabbed himself a drink, and sat down at a table, hoping to find Juliana while he waited.

[This message has been edited by Chris (edited 04-19-2000).]

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