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05 June 2011

Posts #686-690: 27 April 2000

Post #686, by Little Yoshi

Well, luck was with them, and Nathan had sent the right portion of the sound stone to Tim. He got the melody, and started learning new (magic or PSI, which would be more appropriate? I'm gonna go with magic for now).
He's asking which, in a story based on EarthBound, which uses PSI but never magic, he should use, PSI or magic? I doubt the sincerity behind the question. But then, based on that I can't figure out why he asked the question. Liyoshi posts are an endless stream of "Chrono Trigger is so cool!"
Tim used Fast Feet, a magic that teleported you somewhere else in the room. RIght behind Mani Mani, Tim struck with Hydro Slash.
Then, all of a sudden, the Apple of Enlightment threw Tim some coffe. tim drank it, and started to faint, but only for a second, or at least, in Mani Mani's time. Tim had actually heard some strange messages, and this lasted for many minuted in Tim's time. (I'll show these later, when I have more melodies)
I really doubt that.

Post #687, by PSIOsman

In the real world, Alan and Siris saw Osman's leg bend outward at an extreme angle.
That has interesting implications. Shouldn't they then see energy blades magically appear in Falcon24's hands? Or OK, I'll concede that only changes to your body itself manifest; shouldn't that mean that if... you know what? No. I don't even want to finish this sentence.
"That can't be good..." remarked Siris.

PSIOsman, laying on the ground like pile of rags, saw the monster attacking Falcon.
Lying on the ground like a pile of rags.
Osman gritted his teeth, and forced himself to his feet. Even though Falcon had been against him and the others every step of the way, he was determined not to let Falcon fall to Lavos.
But why, Osman? This seems on its face irrational, which means that as long as you're letting us inside your thoughts, you should explain why you suddenly want to defend Falcon. My normal policy when two guys that are both trying to kill me suddenly leave that off and try to kill each other instead is to let them.
The pain from his broken leg was intense as he tried to walk towards them. He closed his eyes and started gathering his PSI energy. He was trying to focus himself, but something unexpected happened. The Scimitar gathered the energy like a battery, glowing brighter. PSIOsman hobbled forward and swung feebly at the beast that had Falcon in its grasp. The slash fell trmendouly short, but all the PSI energy concentrated in the blade flew toward the monster in a blast of shimmering blue energy. The tremendous force of this impact caused the monster to release its grip on Falcon. Falcon dropped to the ground, trying to catch his breath. The beast turned its attention once again to the crippled PSIOsman...
Well, that wasn't awful. Fill in a few blanks and you have a reasonable post there.
[This message has been edited by PSIOsman (edited 04-27-2000).]

Post #688, by Ness The Skittleboy

After NessTSB's encounter with the ninja,he went to pond cave and searched,in which he couldnt find Tim or Juliana.
Well, at least you're searching. You're not going to find Juliana by sitting around on a goddamn rock.
He spent the night there and then teleported to the beach.There,he found Sir and Chris..on a rock.
Oh dear god.
Undetected by them,he crept up and found his own place on a similar rock.
Oh dear god.
Sir and Chris look at him funny as Skittleboy began to meditate and restore his sprit."Who are you?" said Sir.Chris replied "Some ninja from Shinjiku or something.." NessTSB came out of his meditating state and said "Whats up guys?"
It is truly an awesome monk that can go straight from meditation to "whats up guys?"

Post #689, by Luna

On the floor of the cave, Luna was in intense pain. from her 300 hp, she had about 20 left, or so the health meter in her backpack said.
If you're in that poor health, I might suggest checking the health meter in your backpack is not an efficient use of your dwindling time.
"Luna? How many fingers am I holding up?" Waffle asked, standing over her.
"4." Luna answered.
"Wrong-o. 2."
"Wait, now there's 6! Stand still Waffle! Your fingers are multiplying!"
"It wouldn't seem like it..." Waffle mumbled to himself, holding his hand in front of his face and blinking at it.
Deep in the cave, a rumble came... and with the rumble, came 3 huge sprouts. They formed a tight circle around Luna, Mog, and Waffle, making it obvious they ment business.
"I am Millionage Sprout!" The first one roared.
"I am Billionage Sprout!" The second one roared, equally loud.
"And I... am Trillionage Sprout!" The last one yelled, making the cave echo.
"Not good..." Mog mumbled "Not good at all..."
Just wait until you see Octillionage Sprout. Then s--- will get real.

Post #690, by SaturnAl

There was no hope for Osman.
I bet you're wrong.
The huge monster was heading straight for him. Alan suddenly realized how good Osman was to him, and...

"PSI TSUNAMI!" Alan screamed

A huge wave came behind him. He grabbed his board and rode the wave that was heading straight for the creature. The wave hit him with tremendous force, and knocked the creature over. With the blades of his surfboard, Alan made an awesome turn and slashed the neck of the creature...

(I suck at conclusions. Osman, finish this.)
You're in for a surprise if you think you're anywhere near a conclusion to this Lavos matter, Junior.


  1. Holy geeze, I just found this by googling my old SN. I was Mog116, and yeah, I was 12 way back in 2000, a year I actually do not remember very well at all. I certainly don't remember this particular IF in the slightest. This is some really atrocious writing, man, the kind for which there is no apology. I look at stuff I wrote four years ago and have to shake my head at it, but that stuff's at least reasonably decent. This, though, wow is it bad. So, thanks for making fun of me, I guess? I mean, yeah, thanks. Very humbling. That's important sometimes.

  2. Welcome aboard, Mog116/Dylan/whatever you want to be called these days! Great to have you, and you're totally welcome for the lighthearted fun-poking. Don't worry, we're only 100 posts or so from me joining this IF and then you'll see some real mockery and ridicule.

    And you were 12, everybody's gotta start somewhere. Hope you stick around and contribute your thoughts as we go along. I am going to finish this beast if it kills me.

  3. Dylan's my name, but if that's weird for some reason, I normally go by Yhynens online, now. I haven't used Mog116 in like, 6 years, and any derivation of it in two yearsish. I don't know how much I'll be able to contribute, since like I said I don't really remember it, but I'll at least read through and chime in when I'm able. Like you said, it's pretty hilarious. Have you heard from any of the other writers?

  4. So far we've heard from Tengu Man, NessJeff, Falcon24 and yourself. Who knows who else might find this comical little corner of the internet yet?


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