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19 June 2011

Posts #801-805: 4 May 2000

Post #801, by Stkboy87

Stk was speeding in his liquid mobile at 300 mph trying to make the annual gathering!
"gotta hurry, ganna be late!"
Finally, after 432 speeding tickets he made it!!
An average speeding ticket stop takes about five to ten minutes, so he would have made it faster if he had simply ridden a bicycle.
... To find out the building was in ruins!! He wandered around, dissapointed. He found guruzth walking around.
"what happened?"
"were late"
Stkboy87 ran off, investigating at what happened.
That's probably not what guruzeth was hoping for, but he opened the door himself so it's his own fault. I'm going to guess that (a) guruzeth will ignore him, and (b) he won't hang around long.

Post #802, by Falcon24

(Alright, I'm confused. Seeing as how I was fighting Lavos, how could it suddenly dissappear? And furthermore, how could a giant shell-like creature that's well over the size of several city blocks fit into a cafe basement? I was about to post, but I can't until this is cleared up.)
One of the good things about Falcon24 is his unpredictability. You're always steeling yourself for one of his epic dramabomb rants, but often as not you just get this rather polite way of pointing out that Liyoshi's stunt is so stupid it really should not be allowed.

Post #803, by Little Yoshi

(No, no, no Falcon. The Mani Mani Statue and Lavos are linked. Plus, They went back to where they were, Lavos returned to your battle.
And about Lavos in the basement, that's why it's Interactive FICTION)
Heh. Well, if he keeps that up we'll get a Pissed Off Psycho Rant before long. 

Post #804, by Mog116

Mog was in Magicant.
No! Can't be!
He was in his PJ's so he figured that much. Mog walked down into the Inn. Seeing that Noone was there, Mog went to look for his house.
Me, I would have talked to this Noone guy and seen if he knows anything about what to do here.
after a while of searching, he fell in an open manhole. POP! Suddenly, another Moogle wizzed by him on a skateboard. Mog turned and chased after him. When the Moogle stopped, He turned around. "Hey... Are you me?" Mog said. The other Mog, Mog realized was him. Mog was normally a shy person, until he was 9, and Mog couuld tell that the other Mog was him, only six.
I don't know what makes him think he isn't shy now, because he clearly is.

six years ago...
"MOG HEELP!" Mog dashed down the sewer. He was riding the skateboard down the sewers path. Only moments ago, his cousin had fell down into the sewer. Mog reached the end of the path, where he saw his cousin holding on to some stones. "Grab my hand!" Mog's cousin grabbed Mogs hand, just in time to pull Mog in. Mog splashed as he was pulled deeper into the sewer.
I can hardly see my screen for the tears gushing from deep within my soul as I read this gut-punching tragedy.

Mog flinched. He never could remember anything before he was 8. Mog decided not to go thatway though. Then, through his mind, he could tell someone needed help. Mog didn't know what to do, so he prayed. Through his sub-conciuos, the sound stone with nine melodies gave off an aura. A PSI. The only one that can never be blocked was in the tenth sanctuary. The one in everyone's mind. the one that can only be absorbed in Magicant. The PSI was Ultima. And Mog would help Tim be getting it.

(Alright, if you don't like this, you can just comment, and I'll change it.)
Well... it doesn't really excite my intellect to the level where I can dislike it, so I'll just chuck it into the memory hole. I'm sure everyone else feels the same way.

Post #805, by Little Yoshi

It started with swords.
Tim and Mani Mani sword fighted, but it was obvious that Mani Mani outdid Tim.
Really, "fought" would do. (Certainly over "fighted".) You already pointed out swords are involved. If you want to be fancy you could use "dueled".
Tim satrted to use Yoshi Alpha early on. As he started to rise into the air, The Randite Statue slashed at his leg. He was diamondized, and his lifeless body fell to the ground, defeated.

"Now the chosen one, the only chosen one to face me, has been defeated, his stupid friends should stop praying," Mani Mani said, though he thought to himself"Or at least, I hope they start praying, that's the only way they can revive Tim from their current location," Mani Mani continued out loud, "First, I'll get rid of this wretched island, then I'll destroy Washington D.C., then the other big cities."
...you don't get it, do you? We will place them in an easily escapable situation involving an overly elaborate and exotic death. This is so pathetic. I really need to quit annotating this crap.
Mani Mani had a few preparations needed before leaving the basement.

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