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26 November 2009

Posts #191-195: 16 April 2000

Post #191, by Queen Catherine

((I think I've found my brain! ))
Thank god. Does this mean you're going to stop multi-accounting?
"We have a winner!" The announcer shouted with excitement.
I bolted out of my seat and ran to the section where Matt was. He gasped for air and looked so tired as he hung onto the edge of the pool. I extended an arm to help him out of the water until he quickly grabbd it and pulled me into the cold water. I yelped in surprised and surfaced.
"That wasn't FUNNY!" I shrieked as Matt laughed hysterically.
"I gotcha, didn't I?" He laughed as I splashed at him and we wrestled underwater.
People started to gather around us...

Post #192, by NessJeff

Drew gets ticked at Matt.
"Matt, it's not nice to pull girls,"Drew said, "Especially Jenny,"He mutters, "into the pool without warning! For that, I force you to enter my EB and Paula's Quest tourneys tomorrow. Anyone can enter. Free Paula's Quest Game Paks For all!"
Everyone gets one.
For f---'s sake, we heard you the first time. No one wants to piss away a solitary second of his/her life playing your retarded fangame.

...was I too ambiguous about that?

[This message has been edited by NessJeff (edited 04-16-2000).]

Post #193, by Chris

"And our winner is...Matt!"

Congradulations poured in from all around the pool. Matt had managed to pull ahead and win the race. Chris went up and shook his hand, then brought him a towel.
So... you shook his hand... then walked away... then returned with a towel?
"Thanks." Matt said.
"Sure, no problem." Chris replied.

Finally, after a busy night, people started heading to the hotel to go to bed for the night. There would be many festivities tomorrow; plus, the talent show was only two days away. Everyone had to start preparing their acts.
To be honest, I can't remember whether they got around to the talent show before they all got sidetracked by violence and crossover Big Bads from other games trying to destroy the world.
"Hey, Juliana. Mind if I walk you up to your room?" Chris asked, a little nervously.
Just a little. Took him 90 nerve-wracking seconds to bang out this sentence.
A little surprised, she answered, "Um...sure. We've had a good enough night so far."
He keeps using on-the-fence language like 'good enough', 'so far' and etc., presumably because he wants to encourage Juliana (the AC, in theory) to agree that hanging out with him is just awesome, without actually making her say so. He really wants Juliana (again, the AC.... ok... maybe not just the AC) to like him. He's almost pleading.

Take notes, guys: Girls do not like this kind of behavior.
They walked up to the hotel, then entered the lobby. Before going into the elevator, they stopped to grab one last drink at a soda machine. They then took an elevator up to the adminstrator floor.
That's right: Administrators get an entire floor aaaaaaaaaaaall to themselves.

No points for guessing which two people are the only Administrators currently active in the story.
"Well, seems my first date went well. Good night, Juliana."

"Good night, Chris."

And with that, she closed her door, and Chris walked down to his room, the happiest man alive.
He is not kidding. Funny how seriously a person can take an IF.

Post #194, by Luna

Luna was talking to herself as she headed up to her room.
"dang, dang, DANG!! I almost had it!" Luna grumbled. "I could have won! How'd he pull ahead?!"
You were too busy bragging about your kiwi birds on IRC and PP/QC managed to post first, is my guess.
"Nice race!" people around Luna were congratulating her as she walked up to her room.
"Oh well... I'll do better next time..."
Just then...

Post #195, by SirMontyG


Sir exclames as he rides out the wave he's on, pulling a mute grab off as well. "Surfing's the life, but it's a shame I missed those other contests." While contimplating, Sir forgets about being in the ocean and gets blasted by a wave. Undetered, Sir paddles back out, and looks on the horizon for another 7 footer (common on Eagleland Island, btw), and then looks back to shore. "heellpp.. hellp meeeee.." Were the faint words Sir heard and noticed a girl at the top of a palm tree with no way down. "I guess today is just my day for saving people or something.."
IF is awesome for that. You get to save 4.7 people per day, on the average, and that's on the fairly rare occasions when you're not saving the world/galaxy/universe.
Sir rides the next wave all the way in and rushes to the tree.
"Well how'd ya get up there?" Sir asks.
"Uhh, it's kind of a long story, and it involves a pikachu shocking me and instant teliportation, can you just get me down first?"
"That's Starmen for ya.." And with that, Sir helped Mani Mani down from the tree.
This is neither here nor there, but back when Buzz-Buzz stole the domain name earthbound.net and everyone decided to go with starmen.net instead, I alone opposed 'starmen.net'. My opinion was it sounds like a gay porn site. I still hold that opinion today.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Yeah, non-knowers in the world see the name starmen.net the same way too, appearantly. o.o

    I don't honestly recall if I was for or against the name myself. I probably was in my 'winding-down' phase during most of that.


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