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30 November 2009

Posts #236-240: 17 April 2000

Post #236, by Tengu Man/Makron

(Pika, Mani's a GIRL, not a guy, so please edit that when you get a chance.)
Standard. Tengu ALWAYS did this. It's a perfect sample of his control-freak, obsessive personality.
The referee had found himself in a large valley near a waterfall. The inhabitants where rather interesting,
frog and crocodiles where all over as he walked northwards. He discovered a cave and went on in...
This might be the shortest post of Tengu's IF career, not counting posts consisting solely of him yelling at somebody OOC. No idea what was up with that...

Post #237, by Luna

Luna rolled over in her bed. "hrmff... I felt like I've slept half the day awa... AHHHH!!! It's 12 already!!!" She screamed, jumping out of bed and changing into her beach clothes. "I can NOT believe I slept in this late!" she said looking down to see that her friend the water snake had re-attached itself to her leg. "y'know, you're getting really annoying, little buddy..."
If you're not careful around here, that's not the only thing that'll.... you know what? Never mind.
She ran out of her hotel room, and since she'd missed the meeting in the audotorium, so she grabbed a snack from the lobby and ran towards the amusement park. I can explore the island tomorrow, Luna thought to herself as she jumped on the carousel. Ever since she was little, Luna had loved carousels, and that hadn't changed.
I keep telling you, these girls have excellent taste in many things.
"I'm acting like such a little kid..." she mumbled to herself, and then saw Juliana sitting on the horse in front of her.
Luna, you were 12 when you wrote this. You were a little kid.
"Guess I'm not the only one..." she grinned to herself.

Post #238, by Earth Bound Ranger

As far as Mark could tell, the talent show had gone compleatly insane. No script, form, or structure, and this talent show was almost impossible.
As far as this annotator can tell, it was stupid in the first place, so the AC's sabotaged it.
Then Mark remembered how much he wanted to show everyone his skills and decided to become a member on the talent show commitie.
This is something called 'self-insecurity', and it's most commonly caused by being subconsciously aware that you don't have any skills but desperately wanting people to think you're cool.
But the question still stood, Would the talent show ever run like it was sopposed to, or would it flop like a foppy getting hit with a baseball bat...
Should I slow down? You don't seem to be keeping up with the conversation here.

Post #239, by Pikachu3164

(Hey, thanks Tengu. I'm so used to writing him and he for everything here, seeing as almost everyone here is a guy...)
Yes, that is wise. PSI322 and Luna are bona fide females; everyone else claiming to be a female (in this case, Mani Mani and Queen Catherine) very likely is not. But god forbid we should incur the wrath of Tengu.

Obviously, 3164 is thrilled that someone talked to him, even if it was to rebuke him. Him and Tengu are going to make great pals.
Pikachu, getting a little bored of waiting to see who would be in the play, ran out and decided to go to the amusement park.
I think pretty much every author has now expressed lack of interest in Chris's talent show, including his brother and hopefully-potential-girlfriend.
[Hey! A merry-go-round! I haven't rode in one of those since I was like, 2! Pikachu jumped on the first horse he saw, seeing as he had nothing better to do with his time.
Q. How long do pikachu live, anyway?
A. On the SM.Net forums, not very long.

Post #240, by Mog116

Mog walked to the Meeting. Mog pulled a whistle outta' his duffel bag and blew hard. his two clones, one that was looking for people to help with the ships, the other that was pplaying PQ with Drew, came flying back. The Mog that blew the whistle was the one that talked to Jenny last night. "Nice to see ya'" The three mogs became blurry, and in a flash, there was only one Mog. He went inside to help with the play.
Dammit, kid, don't give Tengu any ideas.


  1. "Standard. Tengu ALWAYS did this. It's a perfect sample of his control-freak, obsessive personality."

    Okay. Yeah, no attempt to deny that here. For God only knows what reason, I was extremely irritable and I'd get annoyed when it seemed people were ignoring plot points, or dare I sometimes say, ignoring my posts or making simple mistakes.

    Honestly, I think a moderate amount of the reason comes from the fact that I realized I'm just not a good round-robin writer in general, but still thought that even at that time I was of decent writing ability on my own. There are some IFs I posted on later where I got better, but I still have trouble even today sometimes writing round-robin, hence that's the real reason I went to eventually leave IF. [but I still think I wasn't a major pillar for IF on that note]


    Don't know WHY I'm even commenting on this annotation. Probably just for the sake of it. But seriously, yeah I made a big typo there. That might be due to my desire to type out things as quickly as I can and I forgot to check some words. Heck, I STILL do that occasionally even to this day. It's one part of me that's not changing much I guess. :\

    "This might be the shortest post of Tengu's IF career, not counting posts consisting solely of him yelling at somebody OOC. No idea what was up with that..."

    Will not lie, short posts were not something I was well known for around IF. But, I'm far more detailed about my writing today then I was in this IF. It makes most of my old-age writing seem tiny by comparison. D:

  2. Don't take offense at my obsessive-compulsive correcting of gramers. It's just something I do.

    What kind of stuff do you write today? You've got to hook me up with some Tengu writing here.

  3. First off, none taken. I was just stating something about myself. Some little known "Tengu" facts.

    As for the stuff I write today. In honesty, I don't write nearly as often as I did. I still read fanfiction a lot and keep my mind sharp. And yes, I'm still a crossover-type of person. Never changed. My stories are mostly in that mold, but I actually try to make them make sense and actually be good in this day.

    But I mentioned of Duke Nukem modding earlier? Well, the mod I did then died temporarily in an HDD failure, but I restarted it a couple of years ago and it's actually one of my bigger project right now. It's a hell of a lot better than the old one, for sure. My coding in the CON language[the game's code] is probably a lot less rusty than my writing is.

    But I suppose I can open the floodgates for you. I have my own site at http://misfittechstudios.netii.net/ . I used to be at http://www.zxdware.net [Zero X. Diamond's server], but the economy bungled into things and I chose to leave to lessen the burden on him, and got my own server].

    On that site, I have some big buttons for some of my projects/future-projects. One of them is called "The Misfits", that's my main fanfiction thingy. But it's not a full 12 chapters and it's almost 300,000 words long, hence my increase to detail.

    The other thing you can go to is "Naferia's Reign: Invasion of the Dark Mistress". which is the Duke Nukem 3D mod I talk about. That's the most active project I'm doing now, but Misfits is my major writing thing. And yes, my solid net alias in general today is "Lord Misfit" [but I used a different name on SM.net before I came up with it].

    God this is a long post. :P

    Just like my writing style has become. <.<


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