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11 November 2009

Posts #31-35: 11 April 2000

Post #31, by Pikachu3164

Meanwhile, a little sweet adorable Pikachu was thinking. Should he go to the party?
You're not going to believe this, but this 11 year old is actually going to hang around all the way to the end. And he actually writes competently for his age.
[Well, I really want to go, but I know that have of the people there probably hate Pokémon.... Oh well!
But how will I get there?]
He actually had greater-than and less-than symbols indicating that he's speaking, which I can't use here because Wordpress automatically thinks they're HTML. So I changed them to brackets. Quotation marks would be a more standard way to convey that he's talking, but what the hell, brackets work.


"Hey! This is one great party!" yelled some AC on Eagleland.
At first you'd think he couldn't be bothered to read the story and find out who's there, but I think actually it was that he was nervous about offending someone by naming them.
"Eeeeee! It's a giant Magikarp!"
"God help us!"

Just then, Pikachu jumped out of the Team Rocket Magikarp Submarine.

[Here's your money. Now scram.] Pikach said to the villanous Team Rocket.
Why the hell he uses brackets for his own speech but quotation marks for everyone else's, all the king's researchers will never be able to comprehend.
"Ohhh! We got 10 bucks! Let's order a pizza!" said the villanous James.
"I'm in for Chinese!" replied the Jessie.
Apparently the 'note to self: Insert adjective describing Jessie' got lost on his desk. Unless it's standard in pokemon comics to refer to Jessie as 'the Jessie'. How the hell should I know?
"Would you two quit yappin! What we really need are hamburgers!" yelled a mad Meowth.

With that, the Magi Sub pedaled off.


With that, the 50 Pokémon haters at the gathering started chasing Pikachu with bats, frying pans, swords, and blasters.

Yes, pretty much everyone over age 13 hated pokemon and everything it stood for. Many of the pokemon kiddies developed a real complex over it, especially the ones foolish enough to choose 'Pikachu(numbers)' for a screen name (no, 3164 wasn't the only one).

Post #32, by Mog116

Mog threw his controller to the ground as he got 16th place for the 43rd time. "Anyone wanna play something else?" "NO!" Mog ripped his controller out of the N64 with a little swishy motion and the controler flew around and landed in his duffel bag. "I'm gonna go whap Pikachu." and he grabbed a bat and joined in the Pokemon whooping fun!
See? It's fun!

Post #33, by Chris

Soon, the big party on the beach began.
You're a step behind again, young padawan. The party's been going for a while now.
This is probably actually Chris's admin mindset, that the party doesn't begin until he says it does. I have no idea where he picked up that kind of attitude.....
There was much eating, and swimming in the ocean, and limbo dancing. The partying went on for hours, with no one going to be until well after midnight.
Did he miss a word here? Going to be... what? Or am I misreading this? I think I'll assume the word he missed was............ DEAD.
Finally, though, things began to quiet down, and each person went to his own room, whether in the east wing, west wing, staff and admin wing, or in the lobby. The next day was to be a great day.
LOL @ 'staff and admin wing'. I had forgotten just how pompous he was about being an admin. No idea where he picked that up, either, honest. And no idea however there came to be such a knaves/nobility split at SM.Net. What an odd thing to happen!

Actually, the Gathering represents as good as it got as far as nobility mixing with the knaves went. And even then, by halfway through the story most of the admins/moderators/ops had segregated themselves into their own part of the story.

Post #34, by Pikachu3164

Pikachu, wanting the little jerks, I mean Acs to stop chacing him, Let loose on a Thunderbolt attack.

The entire mob collasped, and Pikachu went over to play SSB. He grabbed his brand new Millenium 2000 controller and started playing as Pikachu.

He then placed first place.
Standard way for the kiddies to react to any and all frustration. 3164 must be new to IF; unfortunately, he is as yet unaware that AC's are absolutely invincible to all damage, except where the author him/herself dictates temporary/fake injury for plot advancement's sake.

Post #35, by Luna

Luna was the first up the next morning. She grabbed the limbo stick from the night before and went around banging on everyone's door and bopping the people in the lobby on the head. "Wake up, sleepyheads!!"
"Do you have ANY idea what time it is, you psycho!?" One guest grumbled at her.
"Yep! 6am!" She smiled
I generally react to this kind of disruption of my sleep by bursting into flames, inflicting mortal damage. But honestly, if you're going to try to sleep, ever, with Luna in the vicinity, it's your own fault if you don't sleep in a soundproof room with seven deadbolt locks on the doors. Preferably TNT-proof, too. Never met anyone that openly despised sleep so much. It's not healthy.
The day was started with an energizing run down the beach after Luna.
Running consumes energy. It doesn't generate it. What generates energy is food. Blissful, sweet food.


  1. Oh geez, looking back, I feel pity for 3164's AC. :\ I'll honestly admit I never got into Pokemon, but at the same time I had pretty much no opinions on it at all, so I didn't really like or hate it.

    I forget off hand if he or anyone had my AC or ACs attack him to keep the "We hate Pokemon" joke going or not. If so, I apologize in advance. :o

  2. You fell into his trap! I refer to my comment about how to defeat the emo kid. Starve him.

  3. Heh, yeah I did see that comment earlier.


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