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28 November 2009

Posts #206-210: 16 April 2000

Post #206, by Mog116

It was Mog! "Sorry, have you seen the news!?"
"Yeah, I was just watching it." "Wanna call your mom/dad?" "How?" "With this!" Mog gave Queen Catherinea cel-phone. (What is your name! If you talk about yourself in the first person, I can't remember it) "I don't want it back, I'm giving them free to everyone here."
Believe it or not, in 2000 cell phones were far from universal, and still kind of an upper-class luxury. Certainly you didn't see middle school students carrying them around. By about 2003 they had become as universal as automobiles and cable TV.
5 minutes after Mog left, something else came busting through the other wall.
I guess this post was just his way of trying to make a friend, or something.
[This message has been edited by Mog116 (edited 04-16-2000).]

Post #207, by SirMontyG

*huff* *puff* "Good morning, Pikachu, Mani!" Sir greeted the two. "Hey, Pika, read this, ok?"

Pikachu: I'm real sorry about that, I'm not a real pokemon basher, and *Shrugh* I have played pokemon blue, snap, stadium, and even have even watched a bit of the series (I'm 15, that's hard to admit..) Your character is much nicer than to shock a girl stuck in a palm tree, so lets just say it was an unfortunate accident caused by a peanut cheese bar binge, alright?
You're supposed to denote OOC comments with brackets or at least parentheses or something.

Don't know why he let 3164 guilt trip him.
And with this, Pikachu replied...

Post #208, by Mani Mani

Meanwhile, Mani smiled down at the adorable Pikachu.
'Adorable!' We're definitely getting into 'recruitment of potential new Tenguling' territory here. Having a fake female persona around was mighty handy, indeed.
"Of course I won't tell anyone! I promise to keep it a secret." She reached down to shake his paw, but hesistated. "Umm...you won't shock me will you? I've seen some Pikachu do that..."
[No, I won't.]
"Okay." And they shook hands. "Hey Pikachu...want to be friends? I know my other pals here might not like me hanging around with a Pokemon, but what do you think?"

(Only for Pika to answer! :P)
In classic Tengu fashion. I suppose Tengu wrote his fanfiction on the IF board, rather than just creating a geocities site like everyone else, because it was the most reliable outlet he could find where it was guaranteed to be read by at least a couple dozen eyeballs. But he did not allow anyone to even post in his storylines without express permission, and would frequently get pissed if someone tried to.

Post #209, by Mog116

Mog fell out a window of the apartments and landed on his head. "Oww." Mog walked up to Drew. "Hey! Drew! Try someone else's Gameboy game." Mog handed Drew a Game Boy Color with Mooglebound in it to Drew. "Oh, and... call your parents." Mog handed Drew a cell-phone.

After Mog gave a cel-phone to everyone, he sat back on a bench and started playing MoogleBound on his Modified gameboy with a 10 inch screen.

I presume he's taking advantage of quantum-quantum physics to create a Game Boy with a ten inch screen that still fits in his pocket.

Post #210, by Queen Catherine

I ((The name's Jenny by the way))
In reference to Mog calling her 'Queen Catherine'.
dialed "it" to phone my parents.
I don't know why he put 'it' in quotation marks. Cell phones were still weird alien technology to 13-year-olds in 2000.
I was growing incredibly weaker every minute.
"Hello?" said a voice.
"Mom, it's me." I said.
"huh? who?"
"What?! My baby girl's alive?! Where are you-?"
The was an interupption of excitement and then, I heard my dad on the phone. He seemed a heck of a lot angry.
"What did you do with the boat?!" He said to me furiously. "You are in BIG trouble, Young Lady! You're under age of driving yourself, even though you know the rules of the waterway. Are you ok?"
"Yea. It's cool-"
"No, it's not cool! You've been missing for how many days?! I want you home now!"
"That's the problem. I can't go home."
"And why is that?"
"Dad... I'm stuck on an island in the Pacfic Ocean. You're not going to believe this..."
"Very funny! Is Matt with you?"
"He's fine and he's busy and happy right now."
"I want you both home! Right now!"
"But I can't! I'm stuck here and the boat is out of gas. Besides, I don't want to go home! I'm happy living in EagleLand. Feel free to send me beer."
"Aha! So this had something to do with that site you keep yourself occupied with. Those Internet friends of yours are troublesome! The FBI are going to search out SM.Net, find everyone on that island of yours and return you all home! You either return now or be dragged home along with your friends and SM.Net will be convicted. Not to mention that the island will be taken away immediately. I'll talk to you later hopefully."

I don't know if this is supposed to be an attempt to set up some kind of serious 'uh-oh, Starmen.Net is in trouble with the feds!' tense storyline, or a setup for some humor, but... seriously, the FBI? The Federal Bureau of Incompetence? Against the Syndicate? Really?
I hung "it" it and I was not only ticked, but worried. My father can be a crazy person, but he went completely psyhcotitc when I called.
Then why did you call? I think you were better off presumed dead.
Eagleland was going to be invaded by the FBI and SM.net would be in serious trouble.
LOL @ 'invaded by the FBI'.
My friends and I had to come up with something fast.
Don't be flabbergasted if the other posters ignore this 'threat'. This is IF, where every character has AC God Mode and FBI agents are so many ants. Old, crippled, blind ants.
The island was ours and we decided to inhabit the area. No one wasn't going to take the Earthbound island away!
I began to worry and I couldn't sleep. I was no longer weak or tired.
Then, I left my hotel room and went Next door to Matt's (I don't know where your all's hotel rooms are). I banged on the door frantically and the door cracked opened...


  1. Oh, LOL. :( *buries head in hands*

    Again, I reiterate, I was a terrible example to follow in IF in this time. I did a lot of damage to people's reputations with my controlling nature.

    I already mentioned people thought Mani was just me because I took advantage of her newbie-ness to tell her a "proper" way to post.

    I'm a horrible, horrible person, at least I was then. And some probably will still think I am now. I suppose that will never change. :P

  2. Hey, I assumed you'd always be an obsessive psycho, but I'm willing to reconsider the notion. Some people get over being teenagers. Even I did!

  3. Well, I suppose I feel a lot better if you of all people can reconsider it.

    But I hid my old self from the others for so many years after "Tengu Man"[god it's painful to even TYPE or SAY my old name since I don't do it much anymore] disappeared, because of worries of more persercution from the oldbies. That might have also led to my more 'lurker' personality as well.

    But I'm at least trying to get out of that hidden phase of mine now. Yay me. XD

  4. I don't think anybody's up for any persecution. Even all these years people never really talked about you like, 'boy, I hated that Tengu Man.' It was more like, 'hahaha, do you remember Tengu Man? That kid was messed up!' And stuff like this, from diospadre:

    [diospadre] tengu's fanfiction was awesome
    [diospadre] it crossed every videogame ever
    [diospadre] it had paula fighting with roll against the bad guy from level 4 of doom and the left paddle from pong

  5. [sorry for delayed reply, don't got a quick notice for when a comment is added, so I didn't catch your last comment for a bit].

    Oh lol, it's not so much the IF stuff, it's more the other dumb things I did BEFORE eb.net even started. I'm quite sure reidman's at least mentioned of a certain incident on the YANEB message board I was part of. I always wonder if he sees me now more the way you say people like diosparde do, or in a somewhat different light. o.o

  6. I believe I mentioned that incident in my Introduction to Tengu Man back on your first post (#7). Unless you're talking about a different and even more awesome incident.


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